Back AND Sidearm by CHOICE!

I was wondering why it there is no feature for each One Handed weapon to be either back or side sheathed. Most recently there was a Bug with “Corrupted Sunblade” from Timewalking TBC, which is a recolor of “Dragonscale-Encrusted Longblade”, that it was side-sheathed. I think they fixed it and now its only back-sheathed again.

My question is, why not make it by choice? I bought it, because it was and due to the “cloak-backweapon-disappearance choice” of some cloaks, i can’t ever see it as a caster.
Lowkey, kinda horrible and probably not even a big effort to do since they did for some weapons in a shadow patch.

And while we are at it, make the cloak thing disappear a choice aswell.

What do you think?

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