Back to the game for Shadow Lands. Somehow skipped all the Maw

OK, I’m back in the game for shadowlands. I completed the ‘Introduction to Shadow Lands’ quest chain and at the end took a portal that lead me to Oribos. This lead on to Bastion quests and campaign. So far so good, only I seem to have missed all the MAW campaign stuff out and now can’t get back there to do this.

Jumping down that ‘well’ thing in Oribos does not get me there, so is there any way of getting back to the MAW to do the quests and campaign there?

In 9.1.5 they made the intro skippable if you have done it once so probably you clicked the skip without knowing i guess. Now if you want to do the quests you need a brand new alt at level 48+. You can wander in the Maw though for 9.1 stuff like assaults mounts torghast etc

So no way of getting my main back there?

Only for max level content, not the intro yh

Is there a portal somewhere that leads to the Maw? I’ve looked everywhere and not found one.

Oribos, lower level, where the flight master is.

Just jump into the big hole in the centre.

I tried that but just end up back on the teleport pad thingy.

Wait. Obvious question I should have asked. Is the character ytou are talking about level 60?

You don’t get back to the Maw until you are level 60 (unless you have a previous 60, and are doing Threads of Fate)

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