Back to the roots druid

Playing classic made me realize what i loved to love :heart: in my druid… Being a healer… with the abillity to switch forms…

And thats just how i play my druid right now…almost allways in regeneration spec, with feral affinity. Even when soloing quests. Its not the fastest. But the most enjoyable to me.

I don’t mind quickly jumping into forms and back to humanoid form. But i lost much of my love for druid when feral and guardian forced me to stick to bear or cat form whole fights and dungeon crawls…

So currently i play Regeneration with feral affinity… or balance with regeneration affinity.

Personally i hope that the unpruning turns the Shadowlands druid more into what i loved in vanilla. If they just make all the current affinity skills part of the main druid, we are in a good place to start… and if they allow or buffs mark of the wilds and thorns to cone back it will be even better…

But for now, i am really enjoying my 110+ druid playing trough the BFA content as a healer with feral affinity.


I’m guessing you mean “Restoration Affinity”, and not “Regeneration Affinity”

I had been playing classic and I thought I would give retail a chance again. Picked my 110 druid up and really been enjoying it too. I wanted to play feral having never done it before but it seems it’s not in a good place so I’ve gone back to healing mainly but trying to play the other specs too.
It’s fun trying them all out and would be nice if they could make a way to bring the different specs together some more without hampering the class.

Same here tired of classic and Bern grinding my druid! 110-120 in 2 days! Enjoying resto and guardian!

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Tried it and openworld questing with guardian is fun… espescially with feral affinity and catweaving. It gives some of that classic druid feeling, altough i would have loved a tad more balance and healing in the mix.

A good mix for Sahadowlands would be to have at least 3 abilities in every form… and extras on top of that based on affinity, that would be so much more fun…

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I agree! Been doin pvp now and im Almost 1.8 and been owning so fun… gonna psuh. Elite this week :grin:

Form weaving in retail is next to zero. You wont get the same experience from your druid in retail as you do in classic.

Druid form weaving needs to get updated in order to be useful in the current iteration of the game, since specialization in role is much more important nowadays than ever before.

The only spec that still keeps form weaving alive is Resto in M+ content, with feral affinity. It is hell of fun to play. You heal, use balance dots, feral bleeds.

Definately true… i just hate having to choose a single affinity. And it gets even worse when you find out that a feral druid with balance affinity gets a 90 secconds cooldown. Or that aballance druid with healing affinity can cast like 6 healing spells before going out of resources.

What i would like to see with the unpruning in shadowlands is that all abbilties currently attached to the affinities become base abilities again… and that the affinities become a buff, and add extra depth to the spec…

So a guardian with balance affinity could get access to a silence and starfall both in the moonkin form as well as in the bear form… (just an excample).

Create a class for being fun… and just use numbers to ballance things…

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Tbh changes I hope for would be:

All affinities removed and their abilities baselined Across the whole class.

Incarnation baselined to class.

Symbolis returned to class

Wild charge baselined to class

Old races shapeshift forms updated.


Stellar drift and protectors of the forest baselined to the specc

Insect swarm brought back.

Armour increase returned to the moonkin form.

Starfall returned to its orginal design.


Savage roar removed

Bloodtalons baselined

Static snapshotting brought back in

Claws of shivaah returned. With a glyph out of the man cat form.


Tree form brought back!

I don’t know much else on them.

I don’t know anything about guardian really either.

I was a Druid main up too cata, but wasn’t the biggest fan of what they did to moonlike in cata. So ended up moving off. Did play a Druid through legion though.

But mainly a moonkin player although I did play some feral through WoD and legion haha So I’m sure there’s more that could happen to feral.

This is a misss conception just like enahnce shamans

They are fine in pve damage wise (im not going into gameplay as thats subjective to each person) if anything both of these can actually pull insane numbers and have more utility but the problem arises from the sheep that follow mythic pushers as their meta is 100% different to the “normal” meta.

Coming to pvp ferals look fine shamans damage is nutters its just they cant survive without a team kiting for them. The big thibg about this is RMX just out perform all most everything same as RWX.

Coming to mythic dungeons when im on my main i would prefer a feral druid to a rogue as again most rogues cant play how yourd like them too and a lot dont even use the skips so its largely pointless where ferals are more rare and chances sre they are going to be more valuable in the instance

Hoooooly sorry for spelling im on the train i will try to correct.

I think the Druid class is unique from other classes and melds best with the old talent system. 30/21 in feral and restoration made the Druid class function in the way you talk about.

The retail spec system undoes this magic of the Druid class by making you choose one form and sticking to it.

Definately true, its up to blizzard to catch that druid feel again after the unpruining in 9.0

And it isnt that hard. They need to start with making all abilities tied to theaffinities basic in 9.0 and then start working from there…

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