Backstab is so bad

Wow ill tell u a cool secret, some people have more than one WoW account :smiley:

Used in wrong context again btw .

Oh my dear Christ. Your really trying to hide this. Im sorry but people don’t go to these lengths to hide their main chars unless their hiding something.

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maybe check what “ad hominem” means in dictionary.

I can see you are clearly bored waiting for mount spawns so you come waste everyones time here talking nonsense

Glad you noticed thats all you talk .

I feel your pain, my fellow rogue. Had a similar post this a while ago.

What I noticed is that most of the people did not play older expansion where the distribution of dmg between the abilities was more balanced. They don’t understand what you are talking about, so don’t bother taking them serious.


I did play since vanilla :rofl:

But there’s a difference between asking everything to hit for the same. And doubling some abilities damage while holding the burst as high as it is.

The major difference to how your post got agreement and this one didn’t was because the OP wants to keep the “toxic game design” but just majors buffs to its sustained damage while having that toxic game design.

If you want all Ur abilities to hit for between 4-7k damage that’s a plausible argument.

To say you want to keep having spikes of 20k damage but raise the bottom floor up then your directly just asking for Ur class to be buffed.

If the poster is talking about what u are, I would say it’s worded poorly by the fact he’s targeting a specific ability rather then bringing up a concern such as yours

Damage outside cooldowns is too low and inside them too high. It’s quite extreme.


Backstab hits for like 500 damage, it is literally not worth EVER pressing because FoK (whatever the sub equivalent is) costs the same amount of energy and gives more CP.

You keep using that but you don’t know what it means. An ad hominem attack is an attack on a persons character that has no relevance to the argument to distract from a point. Daestra looking you up for your PvP history is not, because its relevant to the point. An ad hominem would be Daestra saying “you are a gnome therefore you are wrong” since being a gnome has no bearing on the argument.

this is another consequence of the “new” class design where classes sit around fondling their balls for 2 minutes then stack 3-4 different cooldowns to do 200% more damage and then go back to waiting.

blizz needs to start designing the game more like back in the older expansions where you could always do damage, and CDs were something that only amplified your damage a little bit.

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That’s agreeable, but what the OP is asking for is sustain to be doubled while upholding the too high burst.

If we are talking about toning down the top end and increasing the bottom end that’s a worthwhile discussion.

However the OP has either worded his answers poorly / I’m misreading his intention
or he’s asking for his bottom line to be doubled without any tone down on his high burst.

Half the reason sub doesn’t work in PvE environments is because they’re balancing the class surrounding those super high burst abilities. So a design which upholds a lower burst overall but higher sustained damage I beleive could benefit multiple class designs currently.

We saw this with the new shadow priest design where they no longer were ramping into a major damage feature being void form. And it was rather successful for the class.

But sub will need to lose some of those cooldowns power levels in trade for noteworthy buffs to their base toolkit.

That’s exaggeration. Shuriken Storm on single target is a dps loss.

But I’m not. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s an essential discussion - but actually there isn’t much to be found. Whenever I make the point nobody counters it, and I think that’s because nearly everybody agrees.

I’ve heard a few cases where people argue that an individual cooldown was stronger in vanilla so it’s okay, but it’s the sheer stackable amount of them, it’s the removal of the GCD from them, and it’s the fact that they are nearly as powerful or even more powerful than they used to be.

Then you add that on top of CC also being on CD and not on resources that would be taken away from the damage output and you just end up with absolute and total absurdity and every sense of the word.

Wouldn’t surprise me, probably not by much, from a pvp perspective though outside of not breaking CC or trying to kill totems, backstab is useless.

The problem with sub is simple - they tried to make a pvp spec viable in pve.

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1: Pick fotm burst spec in burst meta
2: Be mad said burst spec lack of sustained dmg
3: Complain on forum instead of changing to the 2 other rogue specs that are way more focused on sustained dmg
4: ???
5: Profit

If you think they will let sub have any kind of sustained damage in pvp, you’re delusional. You cannot allow a class that has that kind of CC that sub has to also have sustained damage. If you actually look a bit, the sustained damage classes tend to be on the low end of being able to also lock down enemies in CC, except for aff lock. The WW monks you’re complaining about have a 5 sec stun every minute and a paralysis for 4 sec every 30 sec, that’s it. As a rogue, you have stuns over stuns on demand including the potential for 7 sec kidney shots, blind, sap every time something leaves combat and you have dance.

Looks like this person has decided to pick a fight with you for nothing. Best thing to do is not answer them back.
Total abuse of what the forum is intended for.

This issue isn’t unique to rogues so I have no idea why it is being framed as such.

My incinerate hits for about 15% of my chaos bolt damage.
My OL rogues sinister strike doesn’t hit hard outside of a double price crit.
My pallys CS hits for trash.
My DHs DB hits for lol damage.

So many classes have this same issue of noodle play before a window of omgburst. The main difference is how frequently they can force the window. This is not a rogue only issue at all. Very few classes have sustained damage that is good because their fillers actually hit hard. Destro has decent sustain but it’s only because their burst window is semi frequent so it creates the illusion of true sustain, but the incinerates don’t play a big part in it, they’re just fodder for the Chaos Bolts that follow.
It feels far worse on classes that can’t dip into their burst as often, like Ret. Outside of wings and toll the damage is laughably bad. It’s why everyone spams WoG. 2.5k-5k healing per HP spent or 1k dmg per HP spent. Just not worth pressing TV outside of wings.

Its great that people with no understanding of sub spec or rogue in general come and give their opinion. Also fyi. my rogue was created in vanilla, which is why I have 67k honor kills but only honor level 71.