Backstab is so bad

Yeah, I agree.

His response was not illogical at all. It would be OP if someone can do tons of dmg all the time without cds and also stun people for the rest of their life

Backstab is a filler, it’s not really supposed to deal any significant damage. Just like Crusader Strike, which also deals less damage than auto attack. Both are just there to fuel finishers.

Also, Ret’s auto attack usually doesn’t come close to doing 7k. That’s a dumb PvP talents doing. “Aura of Reckoning”, which is a sort of homage to the old vanilla talent “Reckoning”.

Be really careful what you asking for when it comes to power budget.

Say Devs double the damage of Backstab that means they have to take same amount of damage from finishers which in turn means that so our funnel damage from Shuriken Strorm + Eviscerate will diminish (and the same goes for PvP burst potential especially with generators like Marked for Death).

As result we don’t became better overall and become worse at things we excels at. Do you still want a stronger Backstab baseline?

bro you dont know what you are talking about so get to ilvl 220 before u keep saying this trash.
They could double backstab base damage and it would still not be op.

I know about power budget.

Half of the reason why Backstab’s design is so bad is that Sub can put out a ridiculous amount of burst damage to the point that people utterly hate it in PvP (Or at least, it was hated a while back. Maybe its changed?). Except instead of reducing overall finisher damage, they can nerf the burst windows and make the damage less all or nothing. Which, you know, is actually a problem people want to be fixed.

If Blizzard actually made backstab do a decent amount of damage, Sub wouldn’t need so much burst to do the same amount of PvE damage (while not letting the player feel like they’re doing nothing at all between burst windows), thus giving it more space to be good in PvP outside of blowing people up.

So to answer your patronising question, yes.

The burst window design is why a lot of people like Sub though. And besides, Sub has historically been even more bursty back when find weakness was at 100% and they still had Ambush. Which still hits harder than Shadowstrike to this day. Well, for Assassination anyways. Outlaw’s Ambush is weak for some reason.

Also, Backstab would need an astronomical buff to make up for even a small nerf to finishers.

Looking at some top logs, Eviserate makes up about 27%-31% of their damage on single target fights. While Backstab is sitting between 4%-6%. So if Eviscerate got nerfed by say 20% and that damage got reshuffled into Backstab. Backstab would need to be buffed by roughly 100%-140%. Which would actually make it hit harder than Shadowstrike by a pretty good amount and be pretty close to the damage of a unbuffed 5p Eviscerate. This would make Gloomblade Subs hardest hitting ability with the Perforated Veins conduit, by a large margin. And this could push the entire spec into suddenly becoming all about Gloomblade. You would probably even weave it into Shadow dance between Shadowstrikes. Maybe.

The entire nature of the spec would absolutely change though.

Of course, this is all on paper. Nobody could really say how things would actually work out.

ITT:A Builder is complaining to a welder that his welding machine wont hammer in nails while the welder tries to explain that you use a hammer for nails not a welding machine.

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Your only a Rival in arena ,you hardly do m+ and you do not mythic raid yet you call others noob and tell them to l2play very ironic.

Nice ad hominem. Does this change the fact that backstab sucks? Also this is my alt fyi. Expected nothing less from forum dweller, toxic daestra

Ur correct in PvE. Your incorrect when it comes to PvP. You cannot just double the damage of abilities in PvP. Otherwise rogues will return to insta gibbing players.

Sub could be buffed heavily from a PvE pov given where sub is currently.

I’ve learnt that proclaiming “this is my alt” has become very common among forum people to proclaim.

It’s abit ironic your calling others toxic while cancelling people based on profiles. Then to retaliate with “this is my alt” a exact thing which the person your cancelling based on their profile as a avatar could also be doing “posting from a alt”

buffing backstab would not affect pvp either in an OP way.
After shadowdance/ambush burst the backstab combo building is literally doing like 1k dps (while WW monks etc are doing 5k dps whole arena as seen in AWC) and pro players often just use shuriken or something else, because backstab is so bad.

Yes, and monks need nerfing lol, just because 1 class is broken doesn’t mean we should break every class.

At the start of this expansion rogues were OP AF. Yet u wanna do something else to return them to that state?

did you not understand the part where I said rogues do almost no damage outside of their burst window, and that pros rarely even use backstab? It is even worse for the people that go for the meme burst build, they will literally do no damage for 1 minute after their 8s burst.

But sub rogues are built conceptually and balanced on it’s burst ability…

You can’t both burst and sustain and any class that can effectively do that prolly needs toning down on one side of the coin

bro it seems like u dont understand rogues or what im saying so i guess its kind of pointless to continue. And the OP:ness early season was due to kyrian covenant and the fact that people werent running around with 45k+shields hp and 30% vers like they do now.

If you look up your name on pvpchecker you can see some of the chars you own .
Calling me toxic is very ironic after you mocked several posters in the thread .
Every day recently you been making thread after thread about nerfing classes on the general forum and not the PvP one were more would care .
If you want people to treat you better treat others better first.

I guess you read somebody else use this but you used it in wrong context.

yes u can see 3/10 chars im playing not that it matters.

And yes it quite toxic u come here just to waste time when u are bored farming transmogs, defending people who have no clue about rogue. :smiley: And if you have reading skills you would also see it affect PVE as well.

Nice ad hominem again btw

Understand rogues? Ur a burst based DPS. lol I’m sorry but stop running around with this nonsense.

Rogues are built around having alot of CDs they use to do major damage through.

This is offset by having lower sustained DPS.

Just like every other burst based DPS currently 🤦🤦

Your achivements are accountwide you are nothing more then a rival your not high level i guess you need to research a lil more.