<<Bad Company>> [A] Farming it all, we want you!

Who are we?

Our guild was conceived by a group of real life friends, who knew what they wanted from classic. Ambitious raiding done in time, but in a relaxed, family-like atmosphere. This group has since launch extended, and we’re now a semi-hardcore guild that focus on raiding, but also gladly help each other and explore the magic of Classic WoW.

Why should you join us?

You should join us if you want the authentic Classic experience without needing to farm flasks or parse. We do enjoy picking up easily obtained worldbuffs (Ony/ZG) and bring some consumables for raiding. If you want to see every raid and boss done in time, but also enjoy logging on for the silly shenanigans and fun we do outside of the main raids, then Bad Company is for you.

What’s our raid schedule?

We raid thursday and monday 20-23 server time.
We found that a lot of guilds raid friday, and according to our philosophy about a game not taking over our lives, we don’t want to impose weekend days on anybody. We might do some fun and alt stuff in the weekends for those who desire, but main raid days are never going to happen there. For a raider status we require 75% attendance per 2 weeks, meaning 3 raids per 4 scheduled.

How does loot work then if you’re so smart about gearing in time?

Our loot philosophy is based on the old addon “Suicide Kings”.
The concept in short; we got a list of everybody, and when you want an item, the highest person on said list gets the item. Once you get an item, you move to the bottom of the list. When you join our guild, you’re automatically added to the bottom of said list. While this might sound like a strange system, we find that it distributes loot most fairly, and equally. You decide which items you want yourself, and if you really need that one thing, you can keep your place on top until it drops. This way everybody gets to decide when they’ll want to go to the bottom, and we won’t have any one member in full BiS while others wear greens. New members get a fair chance on getting decently geared as well and raiders rarely take small upgrades when there are lesser geared players for whome it is a good upgrade. Legendaries are lootcouncilled.

Mr. Darcy, if I didn’t know any better, I would say you’re trying to seduce me!

Yes. Yes we are!

What roles are you looking for then?

While we don’t like the idea of “only best performing classes”, we also have to be realistic. Our tank spots for, instance, are entirely filled up. We’ll take ya for the social and fun, but if your dream is to tank in raids, we probably aren’t for you. When that is said, we still look for both healers and DPS, and any of these are always welcome to apply. The following is a list of classses we’re short on, and would especially like to recruit:

  • 1 mage
  • 1 rogue
  • Socials for the fun and random spots in raids if short on raiders

Alright, you might not have sold it entirely, but i’m guildless anywho. Where do I apply?

You can always ask anybody from the guild, especially our lovely officers:

Dinkey - At your own risk

We hope to hear from you if you want the same as us!

Up, still looking for a holy pala :smiley:


We’ve managed to raid for a few solid months, and it’s honestly a joy. We’ve fostered a great core community, but unfortunately there is always those 1 or 2 people who burn out. As such, we’re now recruiting:

  • 1 warrior DPS
  • 1 holy paladin
  • 1 warlock

We hope to hear from you very soon :slight_smile:

Still recruiting for BWL

Update: We got both bindings, so join if you can burst some damage, lord knows ya won’t take aggro :smiley:

Up! Looking for:
1 Warlock
1 Hunter
1 Fury Warrior

Update may/june:

We’ve been going steady with the same core since launch, and we’re having the time of our lives, everything’s on farm of course :slight_smile:

For any who wish to join us, we’d like to make it clear that gear is of course a requirement, but if you show the effort, we’ll help ya get the purples or even pre-raid blues :wink: What we really want, is people who understand the long game. We’re looking for dedicated people like the ones in our core, who will stick with us to Naxxramas, and won’t expect full epix in a week. If that’s you, shoot us a message and we’ll see if you’re a fit :smiley: