Bad customers

I’ve noticed an increasing trend of people posting WOs with commissions that by far don’t cover the mats they are asking the crafter to supply. I pointed this out to one of them today, and got an “I’m aware” as a reply. From now on I will treat all these people as scammers and they go on ignore right away.


Its a shame ignoring them doesnt actually stop their posting from showing up, just goes blank when you go to look at the work orders.

But yes, there needs to be a way to be able to ignore and it complete take their listing out of what it shows you, and i think people are deliberately using it to try and scam people, see it all the time, a listing for 200 gold no mats, but mats cost over 10k from AH… of BoE stuff/crafting mats like scales, hoping someone burns up what theyve gathered to make items cheap they can resell on AH at 10x the price.

If you post a public listing, it should demand ALL materials supplied IMO, you wanna do custom stuff or agree to supply partial mats, it should be personal or guild orders only


As a Tailor I’ve seen a few recently that post 15 or so items at a time to craft BoE items with no mats and 1 silver commission. They post multiple of same items. If you look up the items on AH you can see the same people selling the items on AH.

Its a shame ignoring them doesnt actually stop their posting from showing up, just goes blank when you go to look at the work orders.

That’s strange it seems to work for me. I just click on one of their orders and click ignore next to their name and then i don’t see any of thier listings anymore.

If you post a public listing, it should demand ALL materials supplied IMO, you wanna do custom stuff or agree to supply partial mats, it should be personal or guild orders only

Completely agree with this!

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i see one guy posting 10 work orders like every day for 100g commission with 0 mats. often rare stuff or the stupid anvil pet.

obviously it is to scam people but according to blizzard it is allowed.

least they could do is make a warning pop up if there are materials missing.

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Why do you feel need to “treat” them in any way? There is no limit to how many WO can be posted or viewed so they aren’t affecting you or anyone else in either positive or negative way.

Well, actually thats not true.
When you look at crafting orders, you dont know if an order has all materials without going in to look at the listings, so it wastes peoples time. Its also an active scam in some cases and people less familiar with the crafting system can end up burning their own mats not realising, or use rare mats that are worth thousands, only getting a few hundred gold back and dont realise they are getting ripped off/understand the value of the mats they are using up.

When you consider who plays this game, you also have to remember that its got a very wide audience, and not everyone is conscious and aware of all this stuff and so get taken advantage of by these people.

When you ignore people posting these bait/trash crafting posts it doesnt remove them from the work orders listing either, you dont see that until you go into a listing and what may have been listed as 2 or 3 orders will only then show 1, or none at all…so again not an effective system.

The easiest solution, and best way to actually protect people, is that public orders should have all materials posted by the person ordering, and that you can set a minimum quality on public orders. This would protect both the person ordering and the person crafting, and removes the ability for people to con and take advantage of people who arent properly familiar with the system…which is a lot of people, crafting is more complex than its ever been, and having crafted a lot of stuff for people, its hugely common that people really dont understand how it actually works anymore and are confused by it all.


It is actually not that easy - Blizzard already posted why they implemented craft orders w/o mats.
We all need to learn, be it dungeon tactics, raids, dragonflying, farming etc. why wouldnt people learn the ropes with professions and all it takes is reading.

Why wouldnt orders like this exist? They dont have mats, but pays off for crafter quite well not accounting for resourcefulness proc.
All it takes is to pay attention.

I’ll just start taking their orders and leave them so no one else can do them, also send some love letters to the “customer” if able. Orders promising tips for Q5 blue profession equipment (0 comission/mats/mettle) are the best :'D
I don’t understand what was Blizz thinking when they made this specific change, it makes absolutely no sense.

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Asuming your addon had adequate numbers at the time of taking this picture, if the customer bought the materials for 1350 gold and put up the order for 600 gold he would have spent less and the crafter would have gained more because of the 570 (600 - 30 cut) gold would have gone to the crafter instead of 550 (2000 - 100 cut - 1350 mats).
So while this order is profitable it is a net loss for both.

Blizzard said they wanted more public orders with this change and yes we got a lot more scammy orders.
If your argument is profit via ressourcefullnes, I’d rather take an order with all mats and (close to) no commission than an order with a commission around the material price.

If the commission is below the material price I will not fill those orders, even if they would be mathematically profitable via ressourcefullnes. I took the time gaining the skill to produce those items, if you are not even willing to pay for the material it is just disrespectfull. I will not gamble for my profit if the other party has their guaranteed profit. If you want an offer like this talk to me and if you are a regular customer I might accept a personal order.
For personal orders I also use multicraft tools if it is more profitable overall if we negotiated the right price.

I think this was better at expansion launch - those order are good in personal or guild environment, but in public orders I think this is just wrong.

It is fine, you have your profit threshold, others have theirs.
If there is a lot of normal public orders around, I wouldnt waste my 4 charges on low profit ones, but since there are few of normal ones, I dont an issue taking low ones.

It does make sense for leveling crafters who usually need to vendor crafted item.
Partial mats orders helps leveling crafters to lower their
crafting cost a bit, saving a bit of gold to leveling crafter.
This is the reason Blizz implemented this change along with no quality setting in public.

Basic crafting mats for leveling are dirty cheap at this point, you can do a few world quests and dig up some distrubed dirt piles to have more than enough for the first 40 ish levels

Excuse me, what? Help the crafter by lowering the cost…by not providing crafting mats for the crafter so she/he has to buy it themselves? Are we on the same page here?

Uh huh. Sure. And that’s why the majority is complaining about it…

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Literally only so lower costing ones of 1000++ gold if I feel the need, rarely check the ‘some’ materials required unless it’s for example a tool, and they provide the Khaz r3 ore, that I can then proc resourcefulness off. This was much more lucrative before but still, nice little bonus! Find myself giving public orders a w/ most of the time too. Found quite a few regular customers on there!

Not sure if it’s mentioned but there’s an addon that just filters out no material orders off the bat so yeah

This really needs to be added as an option in the default UI.

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Couldn’t agree more! I got stung, albeit by accident if I’m totally honest… some guy wanted me to use some mettle (for a fee) but we agreed the recraft mettle. He sent me a new item, I didn’t really double check and used 300 ish. Pop ups are there but we just click yes most of the time! :rofl:

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PARTIAL mats is the key here.
Example: chefs rolling pin is needed to level inscription.
If customer provides you even only 2×runed writhebark out of all mats and 1silver as fee, it still makes crafting cheaper and most important you get skill point. And you need 35 of them to get to 100.

All we know is that SOME are complaining, noone knows what majority thinks

I’ve seen that on my server, it is kinda low… But, it actually allows me to do the weekly quest to fullfill work orders.

You can send private orders to yourself with your alts(even if you are not in the same faction), don’t feed those parasites

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