Bad rng, pfft ( weekly vault )

Nope. The great vault is an awful system, but it is made necessary because of how infinitely farmable M+ is. M+ is also an awful system.

It can be solved by just removing M+ but also by giving players let’s say 20 loot tokens a week, and they can choose to burn tokens on bosses. Let’s say you use it on the boss before it dies and that causes it to drop loot. That way players can pick what bosses they get loot from, and always guarantee loot from the boss you want, up to a weekly limit.

My warlock got a main-hand (252) from his first vault, and an off-hand (252) from his second vault.

I wonder what loot he’d get if I was actually streaming :thinking:

It was a joke. Never heard the saying ‘streamer luck’?

Maybe the gladiator mount.

:smiley: never heard about streamer QUe?
it was also joke about streamer LUCK

Touché sir :laughing:

played til the end with 2 220 trinkets so no not really xD

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