Balance and Moonfire spam?

It’s starting to feel annoying when in mythic+ dungeons and the tank pulls like 10+ mobs and moonfire is not an aoe, just hits 2 targets unlike sunfire, so I feel like I spend half the fight just tabbing and applying moonfire before I can even start to do my rotation…

And when you start your rotation the mobs are almsot dead anyways…since burst is king ^^

10 mobs is 5 gcd’s. If thats “half the fight” then you aren’t going to get much value from dots anyway.

In the off chance its hyperbole, is 5 gcd’s that much of a burden? There are no 10 mob packs so you should be able to dot the first pack while he gathers the second. You’re just whining for the sake of it imo.

5x moonfire, 1x sunfire, 2x wrath…than starfire until enough AP to starfall.

Thats 8x gcd’s before you start doing damage… how much dmg will the burst specs have done in that time?

Trying to get ksm on balance druid is autodecline all day…I go guardian for ksm than stop m+.

Utter rubbish, I’ve just pugged ksm in 2 resets as balance and it does excellent damage.

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Isn’t balance a favoured spec for M+? It’s going feral when you see the problems with not being wanted?

I think there’s a bit of dramatization going on there :slight_smile:

I think there’s a fair bit of trolling in your post :smiley:

Or you are just ignorant…who knows…maybe both.

If you do +20 keys and up sure…but for the MAJORITY of the playersbase (wich blizz actually stated mostly do below even +10 balance is terribad.

Balance starts getting decent at +15 and up…and only get to good when above +20 due to slow rampup.

Is that why they’re pretty much middle of the pack even in terms of activity in keys from 7-13?

Calling me troll, yet you can literally go to and sort by spec activity at ANY key level. Like I said - dramatization.

The brass neck to say someone is trolling when there’s literally statistical evidence laid out is boggling.

So you found balacne druids to have mediocre activity?..I’m pretty sure you made a point of them them being “favoured”.

Keep on the drama if you must…I’ll ignore you now.

Like destuction locks, affliction locks they are all victims of ramping up their dmg.

Problem im having jsut had then in boss fight with many adds, tabbing is so unreliable so i could have to tab 10 times to get to target without moonfire, it’s super annoying, and clicking each unit frame moving about or overlapping is not an option thats good.

What bosses have lots of adds? Why is clicking the odd unit frame a problem?

It’s like you’ve found a whine and you’re looking for a problem to shoehorn it into.

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