Balance Druid In 9.1?


Hey folks! I’ve looked at the Patch Notes,
and the Druid Forums… So Balance Druid will get a big nerf? Wanting to re-roll this week, then catch-up, clear the current content (If I will have time before the Patch goes live… :frowning:) and prepare for 9.1, and was thinking about Balance but, I’ve seen that many ppl. are re-rolling, or going Tank/Healer so I’m confused. I won’t wait 'till 9.1 because I want to start prepared, geared and with the previous content cleared. The question is, that is it “worth” to roll a Balance Druid? I’m not interested in the other Druid Specs. I want to enjoy my Class. I already re-rolled to Prot. Paladin and found tanking so stressful. So I’ll probably be a DPS…

Anything that is no longer a 1 button I win spec is a nerf as far as Balance is currently concerned.

Balance is S+ tier. Big nerfs to an S+ spec can still leave it at A tier, even A+ tier.


They nerfed all meta classes.

I replied to wrong person :frowning:

The damage is done, I’ll never forgive you.

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peoples are more intrested to play hunters then druids becourse hunters getting sylvanas bow in 9.1.0 …

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I mean, eventually getting nerfed (possibly into oblivion) is the price of playing a FotM spec.
If people like to reroll into the current FotM it’s their prerogative, but there should be no surprise that they get nerfed.

This always happens.

I can’t lie, I have a 53 hunter and that bow + quiver makes me want to get him to 60 ASAP.
(well we have a few months at least, but still)

But I don’t think we’re seeing a nerf to balance to make people go Hunter. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t it only about 4-7% nerf over all? I don’t think druid is going to be in a bad spot. U won’t be number one but it’s ok

I mean it’s literally the first batch of changes. PTR will be on for a long time, no point in deciding right now imo. Level and gear it if you want and decide closer to live release if the state boomie is in is something you’re willing to play.

As for the nerfs, they were very well deserved and I hope they stay.

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Balance rotation itself has been the worst in history. The eclipse system is simply bad.

Current balance relies heavily on NF convoke and BOAT legendary. It is a trash spec without them.

Making sure you actually like the rotation and playstyle before you reroll, instead of only looking at the ranking or numbers.


What did they do to the OP fire spec on mages?

The real nerf is for Balance of All Things legendary. So you will be fine, but choose another legendary.

A well deserved one. Being S tier in both raiding and M+ while one shoting in arenas using 1 single spell, ie convoke, is just too much.

This being said :

I don’t think so. I mean, balance’s damages are all aboot convoke and 1 legendary. Nerfing the baseline spec without nerfing what makes the spec broken in the first place is the wrong answer to the right question.

There are classes like mage and locks that are permanently being fotm spec. That’s so wrong.

Fire mage is getting heavy nerfs too. Does not change the fact that mage’s class fantasy is being a permanent S tier class.

We do not know how it’s going to be when 9.1 releases. Is Balance OP right now and thus why so many people play it? You bet.

If your sole intent is to play FOTM maybe wait a bit.

fire mage nerfs arent heavy. they’re stupid but not heavy. Fire mage wasnt even S tier on ST yet they decided to nerf kindling (???). Fire will be still one of the best specs for m+. CN had some tight timers for fire but we’ll see new tier design pretty soon. After kindling nerfs combustion cooldown went from 60 to 70s on average. Also fire tends to scale well with patches so I wouldnt be surprised if its still very good with all the conduits, new trinkets, souldbinds. Frost might be the way to go though. I have to admit that I’m glad I’ll no longer have to use badge. After 2 years of using the same trinket I’m looking forward to something new. Soul igniter is super nice. I wouldnt mind propecy of fear or tome of shifting words trinkets to come back

Uuhh hiw is balance gonna be nerfed exactly ? The stellar drift and the balance of all things thing ?

Did I miss something ??

1 - first batch of changes, if you followed SL beta there was 10x changes leading up to release

2 - there’s a whole new arsenal of legos, binds, items with extra powers and more to come. All it takes is one being OP and left in to make balance king again. Think of keep your wits azerite trait with outlaw rogue start of BfA. Was miles above any other classes azerite powers for a year lol.

3 - the nerfs are more then likely for the new stuff comimg to not brake the game. And with higher secondaries coming, higher scaling, new binds to enpower starfall etc.

4 - the nerf means absolutely nothing in the slightest. It’s not even worth thinking about at all. Until we know the other 20 power ups to come, and how that will leave balance overall lol.

This is really the dumbest thing to hear from litterally the class who is “easy druid” mode.

People are judging balance druid on convoke while this is probably one of the most hard to play class and spec in the game, outsode of that covenant ability.

Don’t say druid are s+ tier if don’t play it honestly. One button win does not exist in balance base gameplay.

pretty sure every list i checked balance is on top m+/raiding/pvp not s tier you say?

yes bunch of content will be added new items, new conduits, empowered conduits, new covenant legendaries, so its hard to say how the current nerfs will affect a spec

but the same way content is being added more nerfs can come up, just to remind what blizzard did with frost mages the last week going into SL

I hate Chocoh. He always talks sense. Can we please have more people throwing hyperboles around and less people like Chocoh making sense please?

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