Balance druid in bad state, Changes we want to see

If any reasonable player would to choose between a form that struggles against two 220k hp mobs in the open world against a nigh-invulnerable one with similar potential, the choice is clear.

Druid is an amazing class but it feels unfinished (2/3 of my general talent tree points are also redundant for anything else than PVP, not even allowed to swap forms to make use of them in PVE). Either play healer or bear for faster queues or enjoy one of the best aspects of a cat - the 1.0 base global cooldown, very reactive and smooth gameplay without the need to spam abilities, since pooling energy is an option.

Circle of life and death needs to be looked at and changed how it works by increasing frequency of ticks rather than taking away 25% of the duration. It won’t be much but will help fix some of the mechanical issues with moonkin. Stellar flare being reduced to 1.0 cast time might help as well.

The class is also in dire need of some tailor-made, specialization specific adjustments for the general talent tree. Much of the useful tools are inaccessible or limited to a certain form.


it’s feels terrible to play right now not gonna lie, stardrift out is a huge mistake, solar beam is wrong not to be baseline, mass root and vortex in the same choice? like wtf, starsurge cost… for real it’s awful, mastery? let enter eclipse in one wrath or one starfire ffs


druid in pvp is way more dead then every other class.

this specc is a joke.
three dots on druid that makes together less damage then one dot from a warlock…
the damage spell damage are brokenly bad.

star rain or what is it called in english… 7k damage in 8 second? for real…


This… keeping dot’s up is just pain and unfun. It is also beyond me why orbital strike and pulsar needs to be a choice node. SL prepatch was the first time it felt fluent and fun to have both available. Stellarflare was easy to maintain because pulsar triggered orbital strike…

How is it even possible that they made a good experience by chance and went into DF with this mess.

Oh and shrapnel could easily be removed…


for real, both at the same time are so ******* good

tbf these changes to balance are a buff not a nerf

at least for pvp imo

I think you are referring to a recent post about the next patch, this discussion is about what us balance druid players want to see and it started before that announcement

No, they are not, if we speaking about tree redesign. Definitely not.

ignore me didnt reliese this was pvp post.

totally agree with pulsar and orbital strike being one like in prepatch, was far better then.

I really hope someone at blizz is reading this thread whilst putting together the new changes.

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