Balance Druid in Phase 4 is in big trouble. Here is how to fix it!

I have been a boomkin main since p1 and it’s getting harder and harder to enjoy the game when it feels like the dev team has no understanding of what makes the spec fun and it consistently being bottom dps competing only with arcane mage and shadow priest. I was holding out hope that it was just growing pains and that once we got to level 60 those problems would get fixed but after seeing the new tier set and the new rune it seems to me it’s a fundamental design problem that has been causing all of the issues boomkins have been having. Since the dev team has said that the classes in the ptr are not final I would like to point out all of the issues and the solutions to them in hopes that they get implemented before p4 goes live and boomkins go extinct.

Before I begin to explain my view of the current state of boomkins I would like to state something very important that seems to get ignored quite a lot! Boomkins are a dps spec! They are no longer a utility spec in SOD! Just because I can cast innervate on a healer or once in a blue moon throw a single heal does not mean that balance druid is not a dps caster. I keep seeing people trying to justify boomkins being bottom dps because “they have utility”. That was true in vanilla but it is no longer the case in SOD. With all the new runes and spells added to all the classes boomkin has either the same amount of utility or in some cases even less utility than the “dps casters” of vanilla. With that being said let’s get to my gameplay thoughts.

The first and most important thing I want to cover, because this will serve as the basis for all my other arguments, is what makes boomkin fun to play. The main reason boomkin is fun to play is because it’s what I like to call a “gamba spec”. What do I mean by that? It’s simple. The fun comes from critical hits. Balance druid excels at making you feel great when you score a crit. Now you might think to yourself that this is the same for every other class but you would be wrong. The reason boomkin crits feel better is because they are more than just a simple damage increase. When you score a critical hit with a boomkin in addition to the damage being higher you also get to trigger the dreamstate rune, which gives you mana regen and also puts a debuff on the enemy that increases nature damage, but most importantly you trigger the nature’s grace talent which makes your next cast 0.5s faster. It may not seem like a lot at first glance but triggering nature’s grace is one of the 2 main dopamine spike moments in your rotation. The reason it’s so good is because of the Wrath spell having a 1.5s cast time. When you have the nature’s grace proc active and you cast Wrath, it reduces not just the cast time but also the GCD so you get to cast faster than the GCD. Now if your 1s cast Wrath also crits you get to do it again. When you have a high crit chance this can result in what I like to call “machine gun mode” which feels amazing.
Alright so what is the second dopamine spike? Unsurprisingly it’s when you manage to score a Starfire crit. I don’t think I need to elaborate too much on this as it seems the devs understand that this feels good and it’s in a good state at the moment.
Finally let’s talk about how DOTs feel. Throughout the entirety of SOD druid dots have felt really underwhelming and more like a filler between the feel good moments of your rotation. From my own personal experience I have tried to avoid using them whenever I get the chance. In p1 I built my gear in such a way that it made only wrath spam a completely viable dps rotation. In phase 2 I did a different build that focused on getting as much crit chance as possible so that my optimal dps rotation consisted of Starsurge, Starfire, Wrath and only using DOTs when I had to cast on the move. In p3 DOTs got an improvement but it came at the cost of a huge QOL decrease, which I will cover in more detail in their own section of the post, so I once again did everything I could to get my hands on as much crit chance as possible even at the cost of spellpower (I believe the ST staff is boomkin bis and not the one hander even after they gave the staff shadow damage and increased the spellpower of the dagger).
So why am I telling you all of this? For one simple reason. I want to really drive home the point that the main stat that makes boomkins fun is critical chance. It’s not INT, it’s not spellpower, it’s not mana regen and it’s not the bonus armor you get from boomkin form. All you have to do to make a boomkin happy is to give them a piece of gear that increases crit chance. I will cover stats and gearing a bit more in their own section but first I want to cover the last big design problem that has been plaguing boomkin since the start of p3.
Boomkins should be designed as a single target dps spec! I want to draw big attention to this because the dev team have been taking the good parts of the spec and watering them down just so they can accommodate AOE spells that nobody uses. This started with phase 3 and the improved hurricane rune. This rune is completely useless and a waste of a rune slot. I have yet to find a use for it even once since the single target damage you can do in the same time is way more useful and costs less mana. It is also unusable for outdoor activities since you have no way slowing the mobs (like a mage can with blizzard) which results in them instantly coming to you and preventing you from casting hurricane because it gets instantly cancelled from spell pushback. I have been using the resto rune Barkskin instead and even that is only useful in pvp so the whole rune slot might as well not even exist for boomkins. I thought that it was obvious that this was the case and that the devs would learn from it but it seems I was wrong. The new boomkin rune is yet another AOE spell that is almost as useless as hurricane which means boomkin is now 2 runes behind other classes in power level and you can easily see that by it being bottom dps for the entirety of phase 3. The only thing the spell has going for it is that it thematically feels better and it doesn’t suffer from the pushback issue but it makes itself mostly useless with a 90s cooldown since one cast of it is not enough to kill a group of mobs, therefore it’s not usable for open world farming. Please stop giving balance druids useless AOE and instead give them single target damage or utility instead.

Alright now that I have laid out my general design problems with the current state of boomkins I want to cover some problems more in-depth and give my solutions to fix the spec.

Runes - As covered above the 2 main offenders here are the improved hurricane and the new Starfall rune. They are a terrible fit for the spec and need a complete overhaul. Here is what I would do to fix them.
Gale Winds (Improved hurricane) - There are 2 ways to go about fixing this rune. What I would personally do is completely scrap this rune and replace it with either a rune that gives you a single target threat reduction ability or with a rune that gives you a steroid ability similar to icy veins that gives you either more spellpower or preferably a crit chance increase for a short duration. Alternatively if you really want to keep the rune as an improvement to hurricane then you have to make it so the rune gives a further mana discount to hurricane and also make it completely remove spell pushback while channeling hurricane. This is the only way to make it anywhere near viable but I would still strongly advocate for scrapping it altogether since it’s a bad fit for the class.
Starfall rune - At its current state the rune has pretty much no use for single target situations which ,as I outlined in my gameplay section, is the bread and butter of boomkins. At best it’s an additional DOT that is weaker than your basic moonfire and sunfire DOTs since it doesn’t benefit from the Elune’s fires rune and it has a 90s cooldown on top.
The way I would fix the rune to make it viable is by adding 2 things to it. First make it so when a star hits a boss monster it applies a debuff for 15-20s to it called for example “Moon sickness” that either increases arcane damage taken by 15% (example number) or if you want to lay more into the utility nature of boomkins 10% all spell damage taken (this can kill 2 birds with 1 stone by helping bridge the gap between melee and caster dps). The second change in addition to that is to make the spell cd get reduced by let’s say 2s every time a single target spell crit occurs and make the base cd 2 or 3 mins. This ties in nicely with the rest of the boomkin kit that wants to get as much crit chance as possible. Also I will cover this in the next segment but the Tier set should not reduce the cd of the rune.
Elune’s Fires - This rune has a big QOL issue. On paper it looks like it helps you evenly extend your active DOTs. The problem is that in practice due to the Wrath spell having travel time it reaches the target too late and sunfire expires before it can get extended. Moonfire on the other hand keeps getting extended since starfire has no travel time. This in turn leads to you having to reapply sunfire while your moonfire still has plenty of time left on the target. This causes your DOTs to get mismatched timings and it’s extremely annoying to constantly have to look at which one has expired and needs to be reapplied. I don’t really care in what way this QOL issue gets resolved but I would like to see both dots get evenly extended and expire at the same time as I assume it was intended originally when the rune was added.
Additionally to the QOL changes I would like to see this rune add the ability for DOTs to crit to make them feel more exciting and make them synergize with the crit chance which is your main stat. Alternatively this DOT crit effect could be offered as a separate new rune on the head slot if the hurricane rune rework doesn’t happen.

You may think that adding these changes sounds like too much added power but boomkins are bottom dps at the moment (and have been for quite a while) so they have plenty of room before they get to an even state with other dps.

With runes being covered let’s talk about gear!

Tier set - The new tier set bonuses for boomkin are beyond garbage. Back when the tier sets were first teased there were some promising effects shown such as DOT ticks giving you a % dmg increase on your next single target cast spells. What happened to that? Instead the new tier set gives us improved thorns??? Cooldown reduction on the new rune that will likely see no use??? I guess the 4 set bonus giving spell hit is nice but other than that there is nothing useful. How am I supposed to turn the improved thorns into damage? Boomkin tanking? It is completely incompatible with the way the spec is played. This is the kind of effect you give to bear tanks not the dps caster owl. I really hope there was some kind of error in the datamining because if these are the tier effects then the ST Tier set will unironically be better at 60. The ST set was designed so well for boomkins so I don’t know how we go from that to this. Boomkins want crit chance, hit chance and spell damage. That’s it. Not a a bunch of useless buffs to unusable spells.
Here is what the tier set should look like. Get the ST effect of giving wrath and starfire bonus crit chance and add that as the 2-set bonus instead of the improved thorns. The 4-set giving hit is fine I don’t see a reason to change it. Make the 6-set what it was originally supposed to be with DOTs increasing the damage of your single target spells so they can feel more fun to use. It was perfect so I don’t see why you decided to move away from it. Alternatively if you don’t have time to implement that just put a flat spell power or crit chance increase as a 6-set bonus.
As for the stats on the items they don’t seem to be accurate on Wowhead but judging by the T0 gear I very much agree with removing spirit from the boomkin gear and I would even recommend cutting down the amount of stamina it gives to go for a more glass canon archetype of caster similar to the radioactive set from Gnomer. The stat budget from removing spirit and stamina should be spent on helping us get hit cap as boomkins don’t have talents that help with that and most importantly give us as much crit chance as possible even if it’s at the expense of spellpower.
Non-tier gear - Pretty much the same stat prio as I gave for the tier pieces - No spirit, less stamina, crit chance>spellpower>int. And of course enough hit chance sprinkled in.

Now that I have explained my thoughts on gear let’s move to the elephant in the room and the reason boomkins have been so underpowered for so long.PVP. For the love of all that is holy please just put a flat dmg reduction on starfire when hitting a player and spread that power around the kit. The main reason PVE boomkins have been in such a sorry state is because you are too worried of them being too oppressive in PVP. The only reason people don’t like boomkins in pvp is because of starfire doing a lot of burst damage. That’s it. The rest of the boomkin kit is not good for pvp. It is all getting carried by starfire. We have no reliable cc, we have no interrupt, and the little healing we can do is all rng based on a wrath proc. If a melee player decides they want to kill you, you are dead and there is nothing you can do about it. Root them? Oh the wonders that will do for you when it’s your only cc and they just break it with a trinket. After that interaction there is nothing more you can do. No way to escape, no way to fight back, you just sit there and die. The situation is not better with casters either. The only thing a boomkin can 1v1 is a healer. The reason it has the reputation of being op is because it’s a glass cannon that works well and can do a lot of damage when there is a frontline. Other than that it’s irredeemable. So please just nerf the pvp dmg of starfire and spread it around the kit somehow. I am not a big pvp player so I can’t give you good ideas in this regard but I am tired of PvE boomkin being bad because of pvp.

Well then that’s it for my essay! I really hope the dev team has enough time to pivot the direction boomkin is going before the release of p4 or at least by 1 or 2 weeks in. I really don’t want a repeat of boomkins being a meme spec you bring to MC just for the spell crit aura.

-To the WoW dev team from Silverloon (a concerned boomkin)

Boomkin has a fundamental design problem of being treated as a utility class instead of the dps class that it now is in SOD.
Boomkins are a single target dps spec. Stop giving us useless AOE.
Crit chance is love.
DOTs don’t feel good.
The Improved hurricane and starfall runes need a big rework.
The Elune’s Fires rune needs a QOL fix.
Tier Set is complete garbage. The ST one is unironically better.
Stat prio that boomkins want is crit chance>spellpower>int, no spirit, less stamina.
Pvp balance concerns are keeping pve boomkin in the gutter.

P.S. If anyone has access to the US SOD PTR Forum and you found this post useful, then please repost it there so it has a higher chance of being seen by the devs more quickly.



after not receiving any ST gains in P3, i was hoping for something now, but P4 just looks to be going Dungeon.AoE again.

im struggling to decide what to play now, cuz ive got alts sat at 50 ready to go, that i think would just be better straight up than bringing my owl to 60.


its not a DPS class though, youre a druid, youre a hybrid class youre supposed to bring utility to the raid, not replace mages, you already have a solid kit, survivability and mobility and a tonne of hard hitting spells and you have baseline real healing spells that you can utilise and hots etc. Now youre asking to be a what a is supposed to be mage with all of that extra kit that comes from being a druid

Berny approves of this message.


Alright I guess I need to make a direct comparison. Here is what druids have in terms of utility:
1: 3% Crit aura
2: Innervate
2.5: A root that can’t be used indoors (KEKW)
3: Combat res (which you basically never use in a half decent group but it’s still nice to have if the healer druids already used theirs)
4: Healing spells that you can’t use without getting out of moonkin form and are not doing much since you don’t have healing gear, runes or talents. The only exception here is a random proc that gives you one heal while in moonkin form, which is the only thing that is relevant in practice (and even that is very rarely used).
5: By mobility I assume you mean transforming into cat and using dash. That is a one time use cooldown that requires you to stop damage for 3-4s minimum since you need to spend another GCD on shapeshifting back to moonkin before going back to dps. I have literally only done this once in my entire Boomkin career.
6: Survivability is in the form of extra armor from moonkin form. It mainly helps you if you pull boss aggro from the tank (which you shouldn’t be doing in the first place) since most mechanics are spell damage based which armor does not affect.

Now let’s look at mage
1: You have an extremely reliable slow, mass slow and mass root abilities.
1.5: You have the best aoe dps in the game that can be used even when you are solo
2: You have an interrupt
3: You have a reliable stun (deep freeze) and a random stun from that fire talent
3.5: You have sheep
4: You have blink which is an infinitely better movement ability
5: You have better survivability since you have 2 immunities with the new invocation rune (3 if you reset ice block with cold snap). That is far more useful than some extra armor since you can use it to survive anything.
6: You can also conjure food and drink

I don’t want boomkins to be mages. Mages are a great overall dps. They have great single target and AOE damage. I want boomkins to be a dps dedicated to single target. That’s it. I am not asking for any AOE effectiveness. That should be what they are weak at. Boomkin is a dps class not a hybrid class. A hybrid class would be a druid taking a mix of balance and resto runes and talents. A hybrid class is mage healer. Boomkins take strictly and only damage runes and talents.


Don’t you think your " You are Hybrid" statement is a bit out of date? Its SoD - not your typical Vanilla. Currently, all other DPS get more and more utility - look at rogues for example, also Spriests got ALOT of utility too.

While its still true we are, sort of a more support focused class in general, saying we shouldnt deal more dmg because we have all the utility is a bit out of place. Most Boomies dont want to PUSH the “real” casters aside, we just want to be relevant when it comes to dishing out too. Being on par or atleast closer to the others would make us happy.

And when it comes to me, yeah id totally dig it if boomies could outperform Mages- why shouldnt it be our turn aswell :person_shrugging: .


cause you have 3 game styles you can pick and have access to all hybrid aspects regardless

Mages are a pure class, with DPS talents only with different schools only and only can heal if they rune up and give everything else up.

You dont need a PhD to see the issue in turning lazor chickens into mages here. Also its classic vanilla with a twist to boost dead specs and itemisation, not retail where everything is the same.

If you want to be a mage, play a mage

Again with this hybrid nonsense. This is SOD not classic. If you don’t have the runes, talents and gear for something then you can’t do it to any useful extent.
Guardian druid can’t heal or dps
Resto can’t randomly switch to cat in the middle of the fight to give windfury or start tanking.
Feral can’t suddenly decide that range dps is needed and start casting spells or turn into a healer.
Boomkin can’t heal, can’t tank and can’t give windfury.
Because runes are such a big part of everyone’s kit in SOD you don’t have the hybrid gameplay of vanilla. You just stick to 1 spec and one role. If you do anything other than that you are straight up trolling.
Also what is this logic that since druid has more specs available then they should all just be bad? Paladin and shaman can cover all 3 roles. Should they be in the dumpster too? You are playing the most versatile class in the game (the meme is literally that it’s the hero class of vanilla) and are still trying to gatekeep other people from enjoying their one purpose spec. And I’ll say this again. Nobody is asking for boomkins to be mages. I simply want boomkins to be good at one thing. Single target dps. That’s all I want.

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I just got to say i fundamentally disagree with nearly everything youve said.

Boomkin isnt a pure DPS Spec as none of the Druid Specs should ever be pure.
Thats the whole reason to play a druid.

In 1 post youve compared boomkin utility with the mage utility of all 3 specs…
Seems like you didnt notice that we got 1 spec for everything - and thats the whole point about it. Also about the crits… everybody wants crits… Nearly all classes have some talent scaling with crits… Thats def not some kinda boomie specific identity…

Moonkin is insanely good right now, you want atleast 2 in your raid - Pref 1 off specced restokin and 1 full boomie for the aura. I dont think there is any spec atm which has a higher impact than a good playing restokin. And exactly this is how all druid specs should work imho. If you want to play a mage or warlock, why you dont play them?! Every druid role in a raid should be a hybrid. Feral as DPS/Tank - Heal as partly DPS and Boomie as partly Heal. This is the whole identity of the class. They should make it more viable instead of giving us a stupid tree form where you cant cast wrath anymore… Give me wild growth castable in boomie instead of reducing its healpower - Make the instant HT proc more reliable - or even better let us use our eclipse ressources to use insta HT. Why would you want another 3 button spellcaster?

So i agree the changes rather generate new problems instead of solving them.
But i rly hope, what your looking for will never happen. I want druid to be hybrid.
To be a monster in utility. And i rly dont care if others do better dps if were still absolutely necessary.

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That’s just plainly false. All the utility I have listed is what frost mages can do. The only difference with a fire mage is that you don’t have a slow on blizzard. Even then you still have a single target slow with rank 1 frostbolt and root with frost nova. And in addition as a fire mage you also get blast wave.

I will say it again. Just because we have more options doesn’t mean that all the options should be worse as a result. Shamans can do all and they have been the top tier class for the entire phase. It’s not like classic when you had 1 set of gear for all specs so being able to switch what you are doing was simple. That is an advantage that justifies the specs being a bit weaker to account for the versatility. In SOD every spec has its own gear so you have to spend just as much effort on making a spec viable as other classes and therefore it should be just as good.

Well I guess this is a matter of taste but to me no other class’ crits feel as good.

Two things here. First of all moonkin is not “insanely good”. The reason you get a moonkin is just because you need one for the buff even if they are weak. That is not something unique to moonkins. You get a priest for homunculi. You get a rogue for their poisons. You get a warlock tank if you can find it for their buff. You get paladins for buffs and mana regen etc. etc. Boomkin is bottom dps. Second let’s cover “restokin” as you called it. While I personally don’t think it’s anywhere near as useful as you make it out to be I have no problem with it being a separate thing for one simple reason. It is actually a hybrid spec. You take runes and talents from both specs. You trade damage for some healing. Now that being said that in no way justifies a boomkin that is fully specced into balance and dps being worse than other casters. If you have played a boomkin you know full well that you are doing nothing else but dps. For that reason a boomkin is a pure dps spec and deserves to be treated as such. Also why don’t I play mage or warlock? Because boomkin is different. Mage is universally good having good single and multitarget dps. Warlock has their pet shenanigans and their fears. Boomkin covers a different niche. Single target dps only. Also I think it’s worth pointing out that this was the devs’ intention the whole time. To make boomkin a viable dps. You can clearly see that by all the runes for boomkin being pure dps upgrades with the one exception being the unreliable random proc from Fury of Stormrage. I have no problem with hybrid options being playable but they shouldn’t compromise the pure versions of the spec.

I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one since it’s based on taste

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That’s just plainly false. All the utility I have listed is what frost mages can do. The only difference with a fire mage is that you don’t have a slow on blizzard. Even then you still have a single target slow with rank 1 frostbolt and root with frost nova. And in addition as a fire mage you also get blast wave.

Frost mages… Like how many frostmage spots you got in your raid?
I can tell you how many frost mage spots we have… ZERO
Why would you bring a mediocre DD that is not bringing anything to the table?
I mean when did you see your so called “mage utility” last time in your raid? The last sheep? Or counterspell?
You want a Firemage for Scorch and Int Buff and thats it. Thats the immense amount of utility they bring.

I will say it again. Just because we have more options doesn’t mean that all the options should be worse as a result. Shamans can do all and they have been the top tier class for the entire phase. It’s not like classic when you had 1 set of gear for all specs so being able to switch what you are doing was simple. That is an advantage that justifies the specs being a bit weaker to account for the versatility. In SOD every spec has its own gear so you have to spend just as much effort on making a spec viable as other classes and therefore it should be just as good.

Shamans are to good - way too much utility for their dmg output - Its rly not that boomies are too bad. You anyways shouldnt compare yourself with melee DDs, they are just better this phase, just as casters were better last phase. But yes, hybrid classes should never be as good as pure classes in their field. Cause we can adapt. We have a toolkit to change the situation. You chose a Druid - the undisputed king of adapting. Change form, be in another Role. Thats your choice. Thats a good choice. Its not meant to be the best Warri in bear form, the best rogue in cat form or the best mage in boomie. Even if you spec into it. It wouldnt make any sense. The strength should be the flexibility, being able to deliver whats necessary for certain bosses / situations. Some bosses are a DPS Check, others a Healcheck, next is sustainability or some mechanics. A Druid has always the optimal answer to adjust the raid in whenever direction is necessary. Right now you can easily play your druid like that (you dont need to spec into heal to be a 80% healer, its enough to just switch 2 or 3 runes) - ive been always full boomie specced when i heal. Also full heal Druids are directly behind arcane mage in damage. Unfortunately it seems like we get this partially removed. Feral isnt touched in that regard, we can still be DD or Tank whatever is needed with basically just switching form. No other class can do it like we can - we can even change our role within the fight! Thats the druid identity, i rly dont understand how this is not obvious. It would be totally insane if we are top dogs in any of the fields ON TOP of this flexibility! And dont get me wrong, im not only talking about saving situations in some scuffed raids. But also in parsing runs where you just need less heal on certain bosses or an additional tank -
You would always want a druid for that.

Two things here. First of all moonkin is not “insanely good”. The reason you get a moonkin is just because you need one for the buff even if they are weak. That is not something unique to moonkins. You get a priest for homunculi. You get a rogue for their poisons. You get a warlock tank if you can find it for their buff. You get paladins for buffs and mana regen etc. etc. Boomkin is bottom dps. Second let’s cover “restokin” as you called it. While I personally don’t think it’s anywhere near as useful as you make it out to be I have no problem with it being a separate thing for one simple reason. It is actually a hybrid spec. You take runes and talents from both specs. You trade damage for some healing. Now that being said that in no way justifies a boomkin that is fully specced into balance and dps being worse than other casters. If you have played a boomkin you know full well that you are doing nothing else but dps. For that reason a boomkin is a pure dps spec and deserves to be treated as such. Also why don’t I play mage or warlock? Because boomkin is different. Mage is universally good having good single and multitarget dps. Warlock has their pet shenanigans and their fears. Boomkin covers a different niche. Single target dps only. Also I think it’s worth pointing out that this was the devs’ intention the whole time. To make boomkin a viable dps. You can clearly see that by all the runes for boomkin being pure dps upgrades with the one exception being the unreliable random proc from Fury of Stormrage. I have no problem with hybrid options being playable but they shouldn’t compromise the pure versions of the spec.

Moonkin is indeed insanely good - just as the other druid specs are. Thats why you always want atleast 4 of them. How many mages you bring to a ideal raid?
Its 1 - for scorch. Boomie isnt bottom DPS - thats Shadow. And still they are not too far away from mages and wls overall. I think the balancing is just fine. Its just that melee dps are to good and especially shams in that regard. Boome/shadow being worst Caster DPS is fine cause they bring the best utility. But still i would love some addition for the boomie, such as a magical resistance debuff or smth. - Atm shadow is just superior with curses, homunculi and passive groupheal… Thats the level of utility i wish for the boomie aswell.

I have no clue whats the devs intention about anything… They gave to every single class improvements to their dps capabilities. I dont see how you can argue they want to make Boomie 100% pure DPS class based on this. And again, it doesnt make any sense imho. Give druid more access to their utility regardless of their spec. improve the viability of playing druid as a whole class and not just 1 part of it - thats what we chose when picking druid.

The difference in damage between frost and fire mage is the same as the difference in damage between a frost mage and a boomkin so if a frost mage is “mediocre dps” that’s not worth bringing then following that logic what does that mean for boomkins? That’s right! They are a bottom tier dps that you bring only for the 3% crit aura. And before you ask, yes I think they should buff frost so it is on the same level as fire. And also let’s not ignore the fact that the only difference between frost and fire mage utility is that frost has a mass slow on blizzard and fire instead has the scorch 3% buff and blast wave so in many ways you could say that fire mage has even more utility than frost.

Alright if you want to talk about raid utility only then let’s look at that.

  1. Both classes have a party buff in the form of int and motw. It should be noted though that as a boomkin you aren’t the one buffing motw since you don’t have the talent that improves it. It is instead something a resto druid does.
  2. Both classes have a passive that affects the raid. Mages have scorch and boomkins have the crit aura. The aura is limited to a group but the scorch debuff applies to everyone in the raid doing fire damage. Overall I do think the aura is better but it’s not by some insane amount, especially since we already get way more crit from gear, runes and worldbuffs in SOD compared to vanilla so having 3% extra crit is not as big of a deal as it used to be. The scorch bonus is a fixed 3% extra dmg.
  3. Mages have an interrupt and deep freeze which can be used as a second interrupt on some mobs. Boomkins don’t have any way to stop a cast. I think it’s pretty disingenuous to say that’s not used and you know it. Boomkins have a combat res and mages don’t.
  4. Mages have good aoe that is used on some bosses (like Eranikus) and boomkins have a bait aoe ability that drains all your mana and does less dmg than your single target rotation unless you are hitting 12+ mobs consistently. Boomkins have innervate.
  5. Mages can make food and drink (not the biggest thing in the world but it’s worth pointing out). Boomkins can throw a small heal once in a blue moon from a proc (about as relevant as making food and drink if not less).
    That’s the group utility. Now let’s go into personal utility.
  6. Mages have better survivability. 2-3 immunities that protect you from anything compared to some extra armor on boomkin that only protects you from boss basic attacks if you overaggro the tank.
  7. Mages have infinitely better mobility. Blink which is a 15s cd ability compared to shapeshifting into cat using dash (like 8m cd) and moving, then shapeshifting back to boomkin (you spend 3-4s doing all of this instead of instantly resuming damage after a blink).
  8. Mages have talents that decrease the threat you generate with spells by 30%. Boomkins have no threat management at all.
    As you can see there is not much difference in the “useful utility” between mages and boomkins.

I am comparing it to casters not melee dps.

I agree with you that a “restokin” shouldn’t do as much damage as a pure caster like a boomkin or mage.

That sure used to be the case in classic. It’s not the case in SOD though. You can’t “change form and be in another role”. Every role has different gear and talent requirements and you can’t just change those on the fly.

I am not asking to be better than other casters. I want to be on par with them. Boomkin doesn’t have this flexibility you keep talking about. You are playing one spec and it’s ranged dps. You can’t randomly decide to do something else and do it to any useful degree. You know why? Because your gear doesn’t have the stats to support it. You don’t have the talents to support it. You don’t have the runes to support it. You turning into cat and going melee is the same as a rogue running 0 agility or str trying to fight a boss with half of their abilities missing. Going into bear is the same thing. Suddenly feel the urge to heal? You would be lucky to output 30% of the healing of a proper heal and you will run out of mana in no time. Not to even mention that these are fictional scenarios that never happen in practice. If 2 of your heals die you deciding to go heal will not prevent a wipe. At most it will just hinder the fight since now there is 1 less dps and 1/4 of a healer instead. This simply never happens except for some 1/10000 scenarios. It is not relevant to balancing at all.

You can say the exact same thing about mages. Just swap to the healing runes and you too can be an ineffective healer. Also dual spec is a thing. So boomkin can swap to resto and change their runes, and so can a mage swap to arcane and change their runes. Do you want to know the difference between the two is? Mages can use the same gear for Fire and Arcane since they heal through doing damage. Boomkins can’t do that though. Not only does their dps gear have damage and healing instead of just healing but it also doesn’t have any spirit on it. So it looks like, ironically, mages are more of a hybrid than boomkins.

You clearly haven’t looked at the numbers. Just because they are next after arcane mage doesn’t mean they are close. If you actually checked you will see that resto druid does around 20% of the damage that arcane mage healers do. That is 5 times less damage.

I am not advocating about feral and guardian. My concern is boomkin and this does not apply to boomkins at all.

You absolutely are talking about saving scuffed runs. No parse run will take a suboptimal mix of heal and dps when they can just take the pure dps and heal which will perform better.

The reason you want 4 druids is because 2 of them are windfury totems, one is a resto druid that has good healing, and one is a boomkin to give the casters 3% extra crit so they can parse. If the only reason you are being brought to a raid is so other people can get a slightly higher parse sounds like being “insanely good” to you then I don’t know what to tell you. To me it sound like being a necessary inconvenience.

How many boomkins do you bring to an ideal raid? One for aura. What is your point? Not to even mention that an ideal raid might consist of only melee, healers and maybe ranged hunters. Casters are just worse than melee.

Oh wow! there is one more class below boomkin and barely anyone plays it because it’s so bad. Guess all my points are invalid… If the devs decided to buff shadow aswell you won’t be hearing me complain.

They absolutely are far behind mages and warlocks. We aren’t talking about our current lvl 50 balance. I am talking about lvl 60 balance. Both mage and warlock get new runes, talents and gear that will increase their damage. And what does boomkin get? Our new rune will not have an impact on our damage output in its current state. We get no new useful dps talents (insect swarm does less dmg than the other DOTs and also does not benefit from the Elune’s fires rune which means you shouldn’t be using it). But hey surely we must be getting some good gear wise right? Of course not! The hit cap gets increased which means more of our gear’s stat budget has to go to getting hit chance since, unlike mages for example, we don’t have a talent that gives us 6% spell hit. And don’t even get me started on the tier set. It is literally so bad that the current ST tier set is better. So when we get to lvl 60 not only will other casters become stronger, but boomkin might not even end up being more powerful than it is now. You can see how that ends up being quite a big problem. So yes, boomkin is very far behind mages and warlocks at lvl 60 in its current state.

Already covered that. There isn’t much difference in actual practically useful utility between mages and boomkins.

You are right that I am just speculating on this, but to me it seems reasonable that if the only thing you give to a spec is more damage, then you are trying to make it a pure dps class.

I don’t think that’s what they are going for. If they were there wouldn’t be separate tier sets for each spec. In my opinion they are trying to give each spec its own identity and purpose since that makes balancing things much more manageable. Again though that’s just my read on things.