Balance Druids 100-150k Starsurge?

RNG has always been a problem when it comes to WoW. This is insane RNG. Getting 4 crits in a row with less than 20% crit. Getting two procs of Goldrinn is insane.

Out of 40 casts of Starsurge I got 10 procs of Gold, so it seems like around a 25-30% proc rate? But it seems to have no ICD so you have situations where you proc nothing for 10 casts and later proc 4 in a row…

Most specs have the same problem with procs happening and mega burst comes in. Blizzard should really start removing RNG and implement guaranteed procs but with a ICD.

Goldrin proc rate should be say 100% but with a ICD of 10sec so you get one guaranteed every 10secs making it reliable, consistent, something you know as Bala and as the person taking the hit happens once every 10secs and you get rid of these crazy RNG where you proc nothing for 10 casts and later proc 3 in a row and just oneshot someone on accident.

We really need less RNG in WoW.

I see only 2 crits and don’t forget that we have a reduced crit modifier of 50% in PvP again since 10.1

But no matter how you turn it, that were 400k dps when most people have around 550-600k hp. If something like this is possible, there are only 2 options:

  • redesign to better sustained and a lot less rng
  • keep rng but reduce maximum numbers

I saw in another thread where people praised Holinka, not realizing that he is the father of that no skill rng burst design! Don’t get me wrong, I wish him all the best for his future, but I hope that could be a good start going back to the great old sustained damage combats.

It has a 33% proc chance.

I said it above, it was crazy RNG and I would like Blizzard to reduce RNG. I’d also like to see a redesign of most RNG talents to be a fixed proc every Xsec or a lot higher proc rate but with a CD on the proc.

“It has a 33% proc chance.”
Yeah I only tested it on 40 casts, so that was a small test size, so that is probably why the proc rate for me was lower. Again because of RNG I lost like 5 procs that I should have gotten. In PvE RNG ain’t that bad cause you cast 500 starsurges so you’ll have say that 33% proc rate on average, but in PvP it either makes you feel useless if you don’t get the procs when you need them or you just randomly kill someone because you got multiple procs in a row.

I’d love to see a big redesign of all proc based talents to make them have almost a guaranteed proc rate but all of them with a CD. This way it’s more reliable, you know what to expect and it makes Blizzard’s life easier with balancing stuff. I only see pros and no cons of such a rework.

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