cherry picking is always fun
Speedkills in Hellfire Citadel with 99% Mages
Mages vs Nya’lotha
Blood DKs vs Mythic Ny’lotha
ALL Tanks vs Nzoth Mythic
but 30 Moonkins using one of the hardest Burst Spells is a Problem ?
I think it’s comical. Im sure 30 of most dps with self heals could do the same. They can’t balance the game around people stacking 30 of the same class for fun.
You are playing Warlock. You have access to a Spec that’s better in CN than Balance. It’s also better on Sludgefist!
Afflic is an insane spec with like 9 curses to juggle. What’s Balance’s excuse?
Its was made by top raiders mostly from echo etc and convoke is a skill that is good and believe me because people are crying about it it will be nerfed in a patch on a later date.
People need to realise the base spell dmg of boomkins are bad in dmg their convoke - starsurge - starfall is the majority of thzir dmg.
The fact that you think this is a problem means you’re not really aware of how this game works…
If 28 hybrid classes in MYTHIC level raiding gear go into Heroic, ofcourse they are going to blast true it.
Take 28 mythic geared Elementalshamans and the same happens, they even did the same with shadowpriest already.
This video is more about overgearing a fight and less about a problem with a class.
Lol you joking
No this video is about how stupidly overpowered Convoke is. And i really have no idea how it got out of beta testing. Must be because new players play druids and they are scared of taking fun from them bc they may leave game.
Taking a look at 95 and 75th percentile parses for mythic Nathria, Affliction beats Boomkin decently hard at every single boss except Council where Boomkin is >>>>>>>>>> above everyone else, which as everyone who knows how to look at statistics, is the only reason the weekly iceyveins/wowhead chart puts them at #1.
If you actually take a look at every boss, you can easily deduct that currently Affliction warlocks are the best DPS class in CN right now. Easily.
You are the one joking?
No you are joking. You clealry have no idea how hard is to do dps as afliction warlock compare to iwin convoke druid. Olso afliction warlock is only good at single target fighs thats all. M+ pvp warlock suck. while druid or mage is as good as afli on single and they are op in all other aspects of the game. Stop deffending obviously broken class
You can literally look at statistics. In m+ affliction definitely do not suck. They are definitely not as good as druids, but in raids Affliction is the strongest spec overall. Look at statistics.
How can you say they are only good on single-target, when their best fights are cleave fights like huntsman altimor and denathrius? Guess you don’t know your own class. Affliction warlocks are more than fine currently - great in pvp, top #1 class in raid, okay-good in m+
Now you compare the most broken with the broken today?
Tanks with +30 ilvls of gear from the HC content was designed for and to a season that specs where broken due to corruption?
All the OP specs are a problem as they used to be a problem.
At least boomies where trashy all BFA long.
Mages where kings the last 15 years and they still are.
They all need a nerf to the ground.
Lol man statistics are far from reality i know my class and i know convoke is broken and it needs to be removed or reworked , same warlock need to be rerworked. dont even compare dpsing as afliction to dpsing as druid , it is like comparing cake to poop
You don’t know your class at all. Everyone knows that Affliction (again, not commenting on the other two specs, they could use a bit of love) is the strongest dps class in raid.
Boomkins are really strong, but you still have classes like shadowpriest, fire mages and affliction doing more overall damage in raids than them.
“statistics are far from reality” not when used correctly. If you still don’t trust facts then you can watch guys like the raidleader for Limit, Max, who says affliction are overpowered and the strongest dps class in the game.
koreans did mythic nzoth with Tanks only
Any burst spell that outdps all the other dps with just that one spell is a big problem yes.
Im not aware of it but if you say so i do trust your word.
Also, dont forget S4 was the last season and always the last season we are way too overpowered. With corruptions and specially with these DK’s running twillight devastation back then… If you had a brewmaster tank, could not swap because DK’s and twillight generated too much thread…
Healers solo healing many fights, dps to broken to a point of no return like fire and arms plus in season 3 dont forget the shadow priest power inside zaqul vision… They where beyond hilarious
Afflic lock has its place in the raid because it is the only passible spec for raiding in CN because for some god awful reason Activision wanted this expac as a dance dance simulator and this hurts demo and destro alot with the stupid constant moving.
Our class is literally pidgeon holed into one spec for raid while Druid has free pick as to what you want to be because right now you are FOTM with the synergy of Convoke and you can’t defend that.
Previous patch they tried to remove the afflic damage and they found it to be huge mistake because they realized our class sucks if Afflic is torpedoed and they didn’t want to do the work to balance demo and destro so they reverted it.
The fact Afflic is only topping the meters due to spike damage with Malific and PIs is extremely insulting.