Balance of Power : Essence of Power

the quest from Balance of Power : The Emeral Nightmare : Essence of Power should be cut to less since its long chain quest, also this quest doesnt drop them for some reason at all second week on Normal, Heroic or Mythic.

Maybe reduce it to 5 only and increase it drop rate ?

how do you intend to release new expansion when your old quests are broken ? some of them u need to take off all items cuz if u kill quest monsters it doesn’t count, itms are missing or just this happen…


My understanding from what the devs have said about this quest is that there’s a built in catchup which speeds up the rate of the drops.

Certainly I recently completed it on an alt after just 1.5 raid runs - which was substantially faster than was the case on my main.

If you are not seeing any drops at all in a full clear - I’d suspect that’s a bug and suggest you report the issue.

well i did report it 5 times but they do nothing about it how riddiculous is this and they want to release new expansion ? so the rest of the qusts and content from other expansions getting bugs like mushrooms growing after rain ?


Yes - Balance of Power is Broken

So basically if you go normal it drops to 23 essences , then u cant do heroic or mythic cuz they don’t drop.


It was possible before to do it same week … whats wrong with you Blizz ? before u could go normal heroic and mythic and do it and now u do one difficulty and its gone … u can’t do it at all


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