Balancing around the top 0.1% does serious harm to the game

mmm no. current disc is fine with design. Just Blizzard needs to understand that it is not OP. This is by no mean a homogenization call. Blizzard just needs to reward those who play with it because it needs more skillz compared to other healers.

This reminded me of Tolstoy’s ‘All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’

People who are experienced and skilled in anything will tend to approach it the same way. Yes, of course there will be personal idiosyncracies, different emphases, and occasional experimental attempts at new methods that may or may not work - see “Fosbury Flop” - but every skilled pianist, every skilled golfer, every professional mathematician, every grandmaster, will tend to approach each situation with the same basic tools and methods.

People who have no skill at all (like me trying to Priest!) will do lots of semi-random things because they have no systematic understanding or trained reflexes.

Trying to balance around Frost Mages who use only Frozen Orb and Frostbolt (and they’re out there, let me tell you, they’re out there!) doesn’t even help Frost mages who use only Frostbolt and Ice Lance.

That is simply untrue, disc priest as a spec has the 3rd most +20 clears of any healer, like where did you even get this idea?

HC raiding is irrelevant as it can be done easily with any spec while blindfolded, and healing in HC is just who can pad the most.
Also what makes disc priest so good is damage reduction, which is not accounted for in healing.
On top of that it is also the highest DPS healing spec.

Actually that s exactly why it’s being nerfed, it is OP in mythic regardless of which level you play at.
They have learned that in order to make bosses really hard for players, they need to put mechanics on top of some unavoidable ones, since if everything was avoidable, then good players would clear it way too quick. This made Disc priest really good as they have absorbs and damage reductions.
With a nerf to this they will be able to do better encounter design that might not hinge on overlaps with insane unavoidable damage.

Healer balance is not about how much healing it’s doing at all, and just looking at healing done shows that you really don’t know anything about mythic raiding.
Take a fight like Za’qul with the dread mechanic. You take a massive amount of damage in a second and then you take nothing for like 30 sec (that is how most deal with it anyways). So what do you think is better? the disc priest giving shields and damage reduction, and then takes time healing people up while doing 30k HPS and 20k DPS (numbers might not be exact, but you get the jist), or the monk popping revival doing 200k HPS and 2k DPS? The answer is obvious, but based on your post you would think monk is OP because of this.
There are fights where there is consistent healing required, where overall HPS matter, but that is usually mehcanically simple bosses and therefore not the important bosses.

Disc priest is a high skill ceiling spec, and you need counterbalance. If they can do massive damage and could do good healing, then it would just be broken and mandatory, more so than it already is for mythic raiding.
I agree that balance should not be solely based around high end mythic, but you also can’t have specs that are so much better than others no matter how skilled you are on the other specs.

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Okay dude, who do you think is right? literally every top 1000 raider or some heroic hero? you can have whatever opinion you want, but you’re wrong. As long as we have statistics you can think what you want, but we are able to verify or disprove it. Healers don’t have a simple metric as to what makes them good, you can’t just look at healing done, but what you can be sure of is, that all things that go into making a spec good will yield results in their use in top guilds, and not overall use, since low skill floor will affect it’s use when it comes to lower ranked guilds.

Did you do that? Did you forget to mouseover? holy priest has the lowest amount cleared, disc is only below druid and pala.

First off no, that was in crucible, disc priest does more damage in EP, and on top of that disc doesn’t have to sacrifice their healing to do damage, unlike shaman.

As a side not i might have forgotten to mention. Disc priest is also less popular because holy priest does more healing, especially in the hands of a mediocre player, and players are usually drawn to what is easy and does good on meters, where as good players will care about what gets you through the content.

If anything they should be nerfed in PvP.

They are annoying AF (in PvP that is), when I try to gank one in WPvP, they can effortlessly outheal my damage and stay around 70% HP easily (even with my damage CDs, that’s how badly tuned this Disc spec is) and on one side try to kill me with Smite (as if that will work, LOL) - And this has nothing to do with “L2P Issue” before you say it. The thing is they are imbalanced and ridiculous they are being able to stay alive forever.

They shouldn’t be able to keep outhealing with instant that much like that, it’s insane and then there’s that thing which causes them to ignore interrupts from Kick which then they will have all instant casts up again + damage reduction back and forth while this is keep going, it usually results in some random bypasser(s) to help them and force me to retreat, so it’s about time with this nerf, I’d say. Now I’m looking forward to a nerf in WPvP for Guardian Druids which is even more a ridiculous balancing issue…

Maybe you are using your cds at wrong times.First I damage them without extra damage cds, then they are getting excited when they get closer to death and they pop up their cds in order to not to die, only then you should use your cds.

I used to see Disc Priests as free rating in arenas.

Problem is they will be able to keep staying at even more % health if I don’t use CDs (around 80-90 even if I bring them down a bit lower in opener, without CDs) it’s clear that they have ridiculous outhealing. I was specifically talking about 1v1/WPvP, btw. So it’s not same thing as Arenas.

Interesting, you are a rogue. Normally you should be able to take them down, your kit is anti caster if I’m not wrong, poisons, stuns, blinds, melee attack speed to prevent them from quick casting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You’re right but I only have Two Stuns (One from Stealth/Vanish). One interupt, Blind is mostly for CC’ing/when attacking the other target or running/re-stealth. And poisons are mostly for damage except for one where it reduces % healing done but I miss out on DPS then, and Crippling Poison doesn’t effect the cast time only movement speed.

Also quick casting is not same as instant casting it could be a spell with low cast duration while instant is that, instant. Instants are not interruptable (except Stun) or Blind which makes me stop attacking at that point and they have ability to cast much more instant casts out of stun window (more than I can stun) which is the problem. With that said anti-caster kit is mostly good against normal casters which are not healers that can keep outhealing the damage, annoyingly.

I simply decided to ignore Disc Priests, Guardian Druids and Blood DKs when looking for targets to gank it’s just a waste of time, Lol.

Disc isn’t and wasn’t bad in m+ at all it’s because of rdruids doing everything literally better than them. balancing around the 0,1% won’t effect the usual andy anyways, unless you’re going seriously and want to try high content.

Thank jeebus a voice of reason. Disc and Hpally got nerfed cuz they are the best raid healers by a landslide. And why would they balance around content that can be cleared with any healer whatsoever no matter of class.

biggest joke i have ever read.
apart from almost 0 changes to pvp in the whole year, if something is buffed or nerfed for pvp it is done by the pvp templates and not the normal templates.
contrary if they do pve adjustments it affects stupidly pvp as well
brain dead, i know, but $$$$$$$

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The thing is, disc needs to be the weakest overall healer by far due to how it heals and operates.

It is essentially the one healer that can completely break the game if they make it even marginally better than the others and we saw this happen in recent times.

Lol you know Disc is so bad nobody plays it in 3vs3
WPvP is fun content and they never balance things around it.

Why they are not nerfing reto druids then? Did not they nerf Outlaw because of their M+ performance.

Also why they are not nerfing MW, did you see that MW monks who are single healing mythic raids?

They are nerfing though :slight_smile:

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Such a wonderful news

Does any of it even surprise anymore? Nope!

i’m curious why you think this? i mean if say druids were pulling the level of hps discs were in 8.0 i think you’d only ever run druids, because druids can do everything, and they’re so versatile.
Disc priests are so specialized you could never really imagine running a team with 3 disc priests like you could 3 druids. Just because disc is amazing at certain things, but sucks at other things like spot healing.
Resto druid right now is just like okay at everything, but i’d say it poses much more danger of kicking out all other healers if it becomes to good, because it just becomes best at everything.

Hps is not the only metric you take into account.

Damage patter is what define the healing meta. EP have a lot of burst abilities so healer with high spike healing and dr will perform better compared to a druid.

Also, disci high dps as well as the pala one, were actually needed to break boss timers.

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