Balancing issue

Year after year, season after season there’s always a meta which can mean a humongous difference between the specs. Clearly balancing is becoming more difficult with tier sets and additional classes a enlarged talent tree. I personally think it needs simplifying.

I honestly don’t know why we don’t just have baseline stats and cosmetic rewards as it gets treated as a side hustle as is, no tier set bonuses, stat stacking surely that must be easier to balance then you’d get more PVE players casually playing rather than the grind to catch up to find your class is left wanting.

Yep. We had it in Legion, but PvP’ers complained too much that they had no agency over their character customisation (ironic since everyone just follows what’s ‘best’ for their character anyway) and then it got changed again. I completely agree.

Wasn’t the argument that the stats were “preset” so you couldn’t say play a crit build vs a haste one IIRC.

Anyway, I’m not convinced that what we have now makes it harder to balance than before. There’s always been balancing issues; they often just swap what is broken. Imo the main problem now is how do you define what’s broken, now that there are 4 rated brackets.

I don’t think they can balance every bracket and trying to make changes in specific brackets has consequences in the rest. Would just be nice if they just made changes more often.

Although as an FYI, I’d love for base stats. I’d like to swap between specs but basically playing sub/assa/outlaw isn’t possible unless you play enough to make multiple sets which I currently CBA.

Yes, which is exactly what I said it was:

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