In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Balnazaar in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Hi old Balnazzar players,
I’m looking for any players that used to play during classic and maybe see if there is any interest in forming a group of some sorts, maybe even a guild.
Bonemâge, human mage
Avenged Sevenfold and others
Looking for people like Zyth and the leadership from A7 like Lothlorien and the GM whose name I forgot.
Would love to hear from any of you tho! Don’t hesitate to leave a message. Thanks!
/wave Hotnecro if i remember correctly I was the warlock officer in A7 before joining Paparazzi (or was that in burning crusade?)
Dont think the old GM will play Classic, sadly!
Migrated to Balnazzar from Burning Blade with my first chars, but didn’t play much on the server (was on other servers mostly) until after Naxx release.
Then I transfered my main character Razzly (Gnome Warrior, rank14) to Balnazzar and raided with Nordlys until TBC release.
Highlight was that we got Four Horsemen down before the TBC patch.
I’m in contact with some old Balnazzar players like Smooki, Thehunted, Prestn/Rubber, Duskin, Vantheman, Svurre and more.
Hope to see many players from the good old days, especially from Nordlys and Phoenix Flame (that merged and became Paparazzi in TBC and onwards).
Hi Inpence!
Yeah I think the Paparazzi switch was in BC. Had a great tme in A7 tho! Will you be coming back to Classic?
If I remember correctly I also played in Phoenix Flame for a while. Very sure I didn’t get further in PVE than Vaelastrasz (BWL) at the time. Hope to see you there on one of the new servers as well 
Stay sexy,
Got to level 20 back in vanilla, Night elf druid.
In BC I played on this server and played a Draenei Shaman named Nazzu.
Used to play a warlock, Victiln, in Deliverance until AQ hit and phoenix flame during that raid. Looking forward to meeting some of you old people once more.
I used to play Bux the dwarf priest , used to play in stature of the arrogance and Ultraviolet
i remember u from ultraviolet victilin
edit: the forum wont let me add a picture from the AQraid at cthun 
Lyonn - Paladin
HumanOfMagic - Mage
International Friends Guild
I played Masq gnome warrior.
PVP Never got the rank 14 due one week holiday trip 
PVE MC, BWL dps. AQ main tank with my big bro Massis.
Hopefully all old farts will start play again classic.
Hi everyone from the old Balnazzar days.
I played a Gnome Mage named Duskin and I originally transferred from Stromreaver.
I was with guilds Lost Crusaders (Member), Thirst (Officer/Temp GM) and Nordlys (Core Raider), I did get an offer to join Paparazzi in TBC (sorry Typon for turning you down!), but I chose to moved onto another server and then played the game on and off.
I played the entirety of Vanilla from the EU launch February 2005 to the start of TBC in January 2007 and glad to see the original game returning in the form of Classic.
Some players I recall Typon, Etinité, Razzly/Citano, Smooki, Cpdoom, Lighteye/Diva, Prestn, Joken, Theodus, Edenarth, Macarena, Gundersen, Svurre. I only wish I could recall more.
I look forward to meeting everyone again Alliance and Horde where possible as we had one awesome server and I met some really great players back then.
I will be rolling on Mograine EU as Horde, BN: RobertDuskin#2922
Hello old Balnazzar players!
My name’s Roudy, I played Dwarf Priest (Both Holy/Disc & Shadow) for the Alliance and was mostly invovled in PvP activities.
Played mainly in Vanilla - TBC, was Gladiator in arenas.
Looking for my old mates: Waxed (affli lock), Apollodk (holy pala), Egyptian/Turkish Druid with the name that started with C (Cesium)? from Paparazzi guild, Magus - Undead Mage, gnome rogue/night elf rogues I did 2v2s with and anyone else that remembers me!
Hope to hear from you oldies!
Wide, hunter. Used to play in Midnight Dragons with my brother (also a hunter). Think the guild leader was named Riderr, or something
Coming back as warrior this time 
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A small bunch of people from Balnazzar is on the server Shazzrah
From Ultravoilet, Avenged Sevenfold, Paparazzi, International Frontline, Thirst etc… afaik
Hope to see you there!
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I used to be a holy human paladin in International Frontline called Namieamouro. I’m looking for the main tank from International Frontline a night elf warrior, but I can’t remember his name. Do you “know” him? He used to be an officer in IFL and make all new guild members feel welcome. When Naxx came out he usually went to tank for another guild (but he never left IFL) - I think the guild he was helping out was Paparazzi
I rarely attended raiding. I mainly donated gold to the guild. I was a big user of the auction house 
Holy Paladin
Played with TBA
Remember some more Paladins in that guild, Pali, Pru, Cromax, Loladin
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Hey guys,
I played as Serva, night elf rogue in International Front Line during vanilla and went on in TBC to form the guild Symmetry (playing as a dwarf priest, Urgilash).
Seem to recall some names from the posts above me, but it’s all a little vague 
I will be playing on Golemagg with some other people from IFL (Amildor & Badboz)
Would be nice to get back into touch with some people!
Heya, I used to be the MT for IFL for a long time, so if you meant me, thank you for the kind words
I ended up leaving just before TBC to play in a smaller guild where I knew a couple people IRL and switched to Priest. Still play a Priest on retail and will be playing one on Golemagg. But I will be making my old tank as well!
I played Maron human rogue and I was raiding until september 2006 (mid AQ40).
Now will be playing troll mage in Shazzrah.