Balnazzar (PvP) Alliance Reconnections

hey healixor, I remember u!

Hello old Balnazzar people!

Name: Koll, Human Warrior
Guilds: Thirst, Kharma

Looking for old friends.
Will play casually on Razorgore (Alliance) and try to rekindle the old spirit.

• Arthemiss, Night Elf Priest.
• Guild: Faithe
• Too many players to name them.

And i remember you ! :wink:


Hello! after looking at all the names i know from the old days in this tread, nostalgia hit me like a train in full speed.

I started my wow career in a guild called IFL ( International frontline)
Darlene was Gm, we were wiping our way trough MC and ZG, good times!

After a while Veiled was formed, where i did most of my vanilla raiding. As far as i remember we reached C`thun and did two or three bosses in naxx.

In TBC i joined Paparazzi and took part of the officer group there.

Even after more than a decade i remember it all like it was yesterday!

Great to see you all!


Ps. i play at my ally druid at Gandling if anyone is interested

hi hi hi Malekhit! Long time no see. It’s hard to resist the urge to drop back in game. XD I think I’m going to have to get a sub. Not sure which realm yet though.

are there any ex balnazzar players on Shazzrah-Alliance?

Arki mage played in Phoenix Flame in vanilla

Arkina Warrior played in paparazzi in TBC!

Hey, was a gnome frost mage called Swiftsnow.

Played with guild but cant remember the name. Looking for two hunters called Makar and Adastra.

Hi there, I’m pretty late to answer, just stumbled upon this thread.

I used to play a Gnome Mage (named Sail) & a Drood twink (Bahat) on Balnazzar in the following Guilds:

Arthas Tears
Ultra Violet - i remember you Bux ;D

Player i remember most was a human Mage called Minerva, helped me quite alot - are you still out there?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Forgot to mention the Guild “Mortem Incognitae” from TBC times - im bad with names though - anyways i remember a gnome warlock named Stoney

Hello! I played a Human Priest called Jonty and a Gnome Warrior called Happi. Did lots of dungeon content so would be good to see any familiar faces!