Ban GDKPs or remove gear from gold buyers

you can still just farm flowers like swiftthistles for rogues.

ooh, thats quite bad:P Think i sold ores for well over 1.5g i think. Iron/mithril/thorium and iron/mihtril stones was the most profitable for me. Maybe it heavily depends on servers.

You could always level up a sham and join them gdkp though, tons of groups needs enhance sham. I wasnt even prebis when i was asked to join bt/mh groups, wasnt even forced to buy (enhance is huge dps for the meleeā€™s)

Gathering professions suck on Gehennas, there are too many bots. Even though there is a huge raid-logging community, heroic dungeon running is dead, almost all pug raids are GDKP and you never see anyone out in the world save for the odd levelling alt or the swarm at terokkar towers, no shortage of herb/mining bots sucking up all the resources. I have a miner, barely see any nodesā€¦

Youā€™d make more raw gold by just doing dailies or farming warlocks than any gathering profession.

People no longer accept the crap of loot council ā€¦ It is that simple ā€¦ Players discovered they can join guild runs that are smooth and fun called GDKP!

We use thatsmybis, itā€™s actualy quite fair, but we do run the same team every week, we have a small core of about 30-35 people

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