Ban GDKPs or remove gear from gold buyers

People buying gold and funneling it into GDKPs ruin the whole game economy.

The key reason gold sellers and bots still exist to a large extent is GDKP. It is common knowledge that one can buy a truckload of gold, spend it in GDKPs and then sit out a 3 day ban. Once that suspension ends you still have all the gear you purchased, and of course the people who got the gold from you still have all that gold.

In short - all gold and items gained via RMT are still in the game despite the little couple day bans.

If you dont want to ban GDKPs, then start removing all gear gained after the gold purchase once banned, or hire some people to get rid of bots.

Thx, Mr. Blizzard


Will never happen, that would require some pro gamer commitment from Blizz.

Its easier to remove RDF and make ppl on medium / low pop servers miserable.

Unfortunately this is true. Not to mention not bringing faction or even just race changes within the faction.

Players: please blizzard give us more in-app purchases so we can give you millions
Blizzard: no >:(

If you get a ban for goldbuying your items get removed. And I know people that run GDKP that got banned and all there gold removed when a A’lar mount dropped and a hefty amount of gold was in the pot

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Imagine hundreds of glaives going POOF no more.


About the first part, you’re right. Chances on Blizzard doing serious bussiness against the gold buying/GDKP scenario are… slim at best. Mostly because oddly enough, that seems to be good for business… (“their” business)

About the second part, the jab for the removal of RDF, I sincerely believe you cannot be more wrong. I truly believe RDF is in fact the worst it can happen to low pop servers, because it’s used to hide a much depper problem, which won’t allow you to do anything on your server besides dungeoning…

I just answered yesterday to another poster about this same issue here:

But Blizz won’t do anything about low/medium servers either, their only solution is to transfer to mega servers and then You are stuck with hours of queues.

Blizz doesnt have process to merge 2 realms together, their server architecture is not supporting that (names collisions etc). So the only thing they can do is connected-realms like on current wow…or give ppl RDF so at least they can play some content.

As I said, then maybe it’s time to demand Blizzard a proper Server Merging tool, or Connected realms, or proper server balancing by openening free server transfers, or whatever they might invent for the task, instead of relying on a less than desirable tool like the RDF to alleviate only a tiny part of the true problem.

Name collision should not be an issue, as you can already transfer (by paying money) from one server to another and Blizzard clearly have the means to solve that, even if that means you have to choose a new name on the new server, (which surely is less painful than living a miserable life on a half-dead server anyway).

It has been demanded since half-way through Vanilla Classic or earlier. Fact is Blizzard has not and will not do anything about server balance. In fact, it seems with removal of RDF they do all in their power to make everyone move (for a hefty fee ofc) to Firemaw, Gehennas, Golemagg and Earthshaker.

good take, subbed and liked,

Would be the best thing and great start for wotlk hopefully meaning shadowmourne wouldn’t ruin the game through everyone getting it in gdkps.


I support this.

This is not true. A friend of mine got a ban for goldbuying on his Rogue and he still had the mount riding he paid for, the professions he levelled with it and the Drakefist Hammer he crafted as a result.

Some stuff is removed, other isn’t. In this case the vast majority of everything gained from him buying gold was intact. Most of the stuff removed was inconsequential by comparison.

aparently there are different standards then, I have heard from guildies that their stuff was taken away. I don’t approve of goldbuying but the economy on gehennas is so scewed that it’s quite hard to be able to buy your fast ground mount when you level a char as a new player now

Because you are totally supposed to have a fast ground mount by 30, right?
Gehennas is a horde only server with 21k people and a lot of raiders and gold inflation. U can easily make the gold u need by picking gathering professions.

Lol nice joke. Bots are farming all gathering nodes nonstop in the open world and due to this the prices are very low. Of course you can get a 30lvl mount, but give it a try to farm say an epic flyer with flowers. You will spend the next 3 months doing it :smiley:

fel lotus = 1g, manathistle = 4g, and all nodes are camped on all layers. flask are areound 15g and similar prices for all max level mats. There are dozens of 70 characters flying around all the time equiped with the boosted trinkets. It’s super cheap to raid, consumables are virtualy free compared to the T5 content prices. But that means that non market regulated prices (so anything you have to buy of an NPC) became very expensive. I make more gold doing the netherwing and skyguard dailies than farming herbs but I have an epic flyer already, I can’t imagine doing those on a 60% flyer.

You dont have to farm the outland stuff though. I farmed mithril while lvling mining, and it sold for a decent sum.

Alot of people dont wanna level up profs, so they buy the mats on ah instead. Mithril and some gems are really nice (on my server atleast), no idea about flowers.

sMithril bars are 68s a piece not bad but not a big moneymaker either

Just don’t get my Naxx items please