Ban Nymue & Suncaller trinkets

I would remove nymue and suncaller trinket from the game immediately if I had to decide. It is so pain to use suncaller when you have to go melee as range, why would range want? I will never understand why you made those and there is no reason to do it.

It is simple to understand like this way. Make trinket for melee like suncaller, range is not supposed to have it so only for melee. No matter if it is very strong trinket, it is just bad design and definitely not fun.

Nymue you need to cast is a big no so what about insant instead of casting? I dont want to see kind of those trinkets in new expansions, thanks!

I have both those trinkets and i don’t mind them at all. I see the need to be in melee for a second and to cast the other a small trade off for the amount of damage they do and find it adds an element of fun than a simple passive trinket, but that’s just my take on it.

In fights where i know i won’t be able to go melee range i have Pip’s trinket as a swap out. There’s a few good alternatives if you don’t like those two.

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