Ban the use of "Enchanter" addon

This addon pretty much automates the selling of enchants by parsing the trade chat for enchanting related keywords. The addon automatically sends enchant links with custom messages to people who are looking for enchants. People without this addon are at major disadvantage because the addon reacts instantly to trade chat messages related to enchanting.

Start taking care of your game, Blizzard. You cannot make even macro that would use two different spells from a same button (quality of life, not automation) but you can automate 90% of enchant selling with this one addon.

This addon needs to be banned.

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Automation of labour is good for the advancement of mankind. Imagine how annoying it would be if there were humans gathering herbs or mining


So, bots are good now? Kek

He probably is a bot.

in a lot of ways, yes. gold selling on the other hand is an issue.

nah im an italian enthralled to an authoritarian government


OP Didn’t you complain about being unable to sell things on the AH or in trade chat a while ago?

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Or you could, you know, get the addon and sell your enchants. Thanks for the tip btw, downloading it right now.


Its really annoying as soon as you type “lf enchanter for x y” you get spammed by 20 people with the addon same second

This week on “Utter nonsense that Beyondo cries about” we have…

An enchanting add-on!

Personally I just ask my guildies.

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Oh wow soooo annoying to not have to spam tradechat for 5-10 minutes and instead get instant response!! Wow man this is so friggin annoying, how to deal with it???

I agree it’s annoying, asking or selling an item with a keyboard and getting spammed with adds.

Indeed, huge trouble farming these enchant recipes and then you cannot get to sell even one because you always 3rd or 10th to reply to the customer. This is automation and should be banned from the game.

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