Ban them! BAN THEM ALL!

i have a friend that bought a bot. when u buy the bot u get invited to a discord, where all costumers are and they are asked to inform rest if they get banned…
so far nobody there has been banned :+1:

also at the start of Classic release we had goldsellers 18hours per day in ungoro farming skins non stop. i was farming with them but i wasnt Selling any gold, this dudes openly talked in game how they where Selling gold, he said he was saving for a audi . Believe or not he had several accounts at the time farming simultaneously on different server. 3 months later i see his discord photo chnaged to a audi , he complained tho that the insurrance was expansive tho

was kinda funny when people asked what you farming all gold for? a new car mate

I hope he pays his taxes

Do you realize that you’re comparing actual crime in the material world with someone playing the tedious part of the game for you for a reward? Maybe you need to get a life?

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