Bank bag dissapeared after i put it in a slot i just bought

I had issue on this toon im typing from . I had no bank slots so i decided to buy some - i bought 3 slots and 3 bags 32 slots each. I put 1 bag in 1st slot of the bank and its just gone/dissapeared. I put 2nd bag in 1st slot - game didnt let me put it in - no error or etc just didnt let me do it, but in 2nd slot and 3rd slot everything was ok. I relogged - nothing in 1st slot - so bag i put in 1st slot is just completely gone. Anyone else?

I’ve not seen any other reports of that happening, but there are some bugs with bags since patch.

Are you using any inventory addons, and if so have you tried disabling them? I think most broke in the patch.

no addons related to bags.

Just checking if you tried to put something in by drag and drop to see if the bag’s actually there, but invisible (make it something very cheap that doesn’t matter if it vanishes). The fact that you couldn’t swap the bag makes me think something is there, but it’s just being invisible for some reason.

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i had to buy 4th bag