Sorry this had to happen to you. Never had a problem with you.
Other ’ leaders ’ deserve this perma ban a lot more. There is one we all know that is losing his temper in most bgs. Not just to randoms, but also in his own community and also to people directly in /w. Calling these people useless, they should kill themselves, leeches, trash, brainless monkies and the list goes on. Hope you can come back. But till then, take care of yourself.
stacking meta-classes you mean
I am not reading all of that. Someone give me the quick gist of it please. -.-
Thanks for posting that
For the others who declare bans are not investigated, this is proven on a near daily basis at the more public US CS forums.
A couple recent examples:
A person who keeps repeating they are unfairly banned for breaking “trivial” rules:
Another where the Blizzardian explains where the confusion of “mass-reporting” comes from:
What we mean with “mass” reporting is that a very significant amount players report you, and trigger a Squelch which means the removal of social features until a GM overturns or penalises. Think about in the range of goldseller spam, being reporte.d
In your case, you have provided no proof of mass reporting. In fact, you can’t prove this unless you literally got every guy who is reporting you as a statement and this number exceeds a very high number in a very short amount of time.
Then it is concluded this is a false narrative. Let’s look at the fact:
You got penalised 6 times within 8 months. You did not mention whether if any of the appeals succeeded, but seeing the succesively higher durations and the GM mention of you repeatedly violating policy it means a track record of abusive behaviour is reviewed by new GM’s.
If you think this is in error you can appeal. Keep in mind that this is not a discussion but merely another review by a new set of GM eyes. And since it has passed quite a few penalties and GM’s well…
To every man there is a cause which he would gladly die for
Defend the right to have a place to which he can belong to
And every man will fight with his bare hands in desperation
And shed his blood to stem the flood, to barricade invasion
(tribute to drex)
Well, i do recall this premader and her cronies losing a Deepwind Gorge last expansion, and actually i think you were on my team too? I didn’t think we had any premade on our team but i could be wrong!
It is a shame most groups just give up when they see certain faces on the opposite team!
When im perma please play the rengoku last stand OST.
Permaban should be the future of all motivated syncers, but come on Drex didn’t exactly sync much, he struggled with what was on the bg.
Nah, the raid warnings and leading are fine. The only thing he needs to stop doing is writing things that could be considered insulting.
Call it what you want, but let’s just agree that Pandora is so successful in casual bgs because she realizes the potential of stacking high-quality players in her teams.
We did have a strong group in our team. I just finished an RBG session and we couldn’t refill to 10, but part of us wanted to keep playing, so I entered in a 4-stack with a Russian RBG hunter and 2 guys from the guild Reaper gaming who are also like 3k BG players.
This is basically the only way you can ever defeat a Pandora group. Stack elite players in your own team and pray to RNGsus that your randoms are better than theirs. When I enter alone, with weaker players or smaller groups I tend to lose to them.
Here’s some advice for leaders who have to put up with these naggers:
After the third mocking comment from them and if they have also never said anything of value, just put them onto your ignore list and continue making calls.
Btw, who is flagging this thread?
I have to stop playing PvP or I will get perma banned too. Really toxic mode that turn people agressive.
mhhhh who is flagging this idd…