I don’t judge you. Everyone who does something similar to what you did can sympathize with what you wrote. Players can’t tell a strategy caller apart from a sync premade and have all sorts of unreasonable expectations. The second your team encounters a setback, they turn on you and mock you. Your only mistake was that you responded to the players who flamed you by flaming back a few times too often.
Not sure if that was just your doing. Season 1 had large health pools for NPCs and defense became a more viable strategy than the rush that was popular in s4 of the last expansion. Players take a while to adapt to a new meta and keep using outdated tactics for a while.
It’s not exactly a title. They are comparing you to a player by that name.
She is known for having the highest honor level in Europe (and the world?)
She achieved it by spamming random bgs and epic bgs in large groups of strong players. Also used to sync in epic bgs but doesn’t do it anymore. She basically handpicked strong fighters to always have the team with the higher player quality in casual bgs and it worked. Not even other sync premades stood a chance against her.
If you want to be as effective as possible in casual bgs, do it like Pandora, whether if it is ethical and fun is a different question.
Tbh, just buy a new license, you get to keep most of the cosmetics you unlocked before and the season is new, so catching up with gear is easy.
We need more leaders who play fair in epic bgs, exercise better self-control this time and all will be well.
No , not like pandora NEVER like her . She played dirty as hell. If drex would be playing like her … well more banns for him. Iam really sry for drex , dont know why ppl report him and a well known little rat not.
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They probably meant he wins as much as Pandora, which is a compliment of sorts, because Pandora stacked her groups with elite players and Drex didn’t need to.
I don’t think it was purely the alliance reporting you, our queue is demolished, there’s enough mercing going on to feed /open new maps so every community Group can farm pugteams just to feel good about a non existent challenge.
Really sad for you, but reading your initial post you were not banned for leading, but for writing to others in a offensive language. Don’t get me wrong, I can understand, when you answer the way you are talked to, but after 5 bans for the same reason it maybe would have been better to just ignore this guys and maybe report them yourself without any reaction from your side.
Sometimes it’s hard to keep calm, but mostly it’s the better way.
If you continue playing on another account better luck next time.
PS: I don’t like sync premades (neither to play with them, nor to play against them) but guys that lead bgs they joined solo or in a normal group are welcome in my oppinion.
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That was quite some read.
Did you by any chance have anything to do with The Scarlet Crusadé RP/PVP guild on Argent Dawn where all of them had a name that was a variant of ‘Roleplayer’? They got banned from Argent Dawn and migrated to Ravencrest where the guild became The Scarlet Scourge and each individual took the name ‘Abomination’ (or some hideous ASCII variant thereof). Your style reminds me of them, a lot (for those interested in them, you can check out their Scarlet Scourge YouTube channel to see the sort of thing they got up to).
Perhaps you can direct your various ‘burning drives’ into doing something like they did or writing fiction or some other creative pursuit? You have a modicum of talent for it, so you never know. Good luck if you do try anything like that.
As for the pvp, you ask for judgement? Here’s mine:
You were just too megalomaniacal and obnoxious to enjoy pvp-ing with. Glad you’re gone.
All of the rest of your self-justification above is, from a pvp perspective at least, pointless guff (that would perhaps, as mentioned above, be better channelled into a creative endeavour of some kind).
My aoucsitc take is thast horde prems mass targeted u for being a obstactle to their schemsticfgtcxrg planmdfg
Very peculiar that a “solo” player gets perma banned while the other VERY well known SYNCING leaders are untouched and thriving (eventho people report them often).
Also, I wonder who reported you.
Surely, not only the Alliance.
I wonder if these HORDE SYNCING RATS reported you, cause you broke their win streak.
(The same people who were sending one player inside every Bg pop they had to check if it was me to then tell their 25-30 players to cancel).
If that’s the case, this should probably be looked into and investigated further.
But Blizzard has a very poor customer support at the moment, so none of that will happen.
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here before saneko says its against tos to discuss bans on the forum.
This is ridiculous tbf
considering the amount of premade leaders and other people who actually say rather nasty things in chat are untouched this really does just seem like a targetted report in my eyes. Hopefully enough people take note for something to be done man!
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I really don’t know what to say man
this just sums up how broken the report system is when you take in to account premade leaders or people who do spam/mean replies etc but nothing happens to them this is just really stupid.
What are the options you have? It is an automatic system that can easily be abused. And you can’t defend yourself against it.
No living person at Blizzard checks whether it is fair or not.
For many people it is just an easy way to execute someone. And as often as they want.
The threshold for doing it should be made higher.
A weird thing is that the people who do this are also the people who complain that they are not winning, and when a leader comes up they target him. Do you get it?
I call them professional complainers. They do 20% of their damage to the opponent, and 80% of their damage to attack their own team in the chat. What is fatal for team spirit…
Drex thanks for your leadership and your wise lessons about losing and adapting, and losing again and adapting to get better.
I hope you get your account back, and if not, consider creating a new one.
Azeroth needs heroes like you! People who dare to step out of the shadow!
I’m speechless how easy it is to ban someone from the game simply by misusing the report button. There are so many real insults made every day that go unprosecuted. The reporting system needs to be completely overhauled, and misuse should also be punished. Drex I hope you don’t lose the fun of being a leader and come back with a new account.
The problem is that minority can report you and majority can do nothing about it. Then automata will ban you. That’s the game not being symmetrical. So the best thing you can do to avoid bans is to remain silent and under radars as much as possible, not drawing any attention.
What you can do is to keep appealing every ban case you deem unjust. So your track history will be cleaned and your next ban will not permanent. But to appeal you need to fight through ChatGPT operators who don’t care about your ticket and will threaten you with permanent ban if you insist, so that might be dangerous too…
I do not comment on this person’s experience. But the following is related to it: I am too scared to talk in chats or comment on forums because I am scared certain people can mob and get me banned by spamming “report this player”, therefore I do not feel safe enough to express any opinion on any platform (ingame and forum alike).
Thanks for sharing the story. Smart to get it off your chest.
Sad how it went with the reports.
You can make a new license and connect it to your main account so you keep your transmogs and stuff. If you do, don’t use the same name and don’t mention to anyone you were Drex before. And be prepared that if you go in the same way as before that this will just happen again. Use less (to no) raid warnings, write as little as possible, always stay civil, don’t get mad. Not always try to lead. But I doubt this is how you want to be playing this game.
It just sucks, we have no real ppl reviewing the reports anymore.