Banshee is the amalgamation of Prestíge and Bad Eggs, who had been raiding together for some time and decided to take the step and merge into a single guild.
Since then we’ve been raiding and running many M+ as a united force. But to ensure we can keep fielding 20+ as we work towards completing Sepulcher (currently working on Anduin, aiming for the Jailor achiev while still relevant) we’re looking for a few more to join us.
Specifically ranged dps - ideally including a mage - and a healer with a decent dps alt spec to put all the main spec dps in their places! But good melee who can beat our mad tanks also welcome! Just main focus on ranged currently.
We normally raid Wed and Sunday evenings 7:30pm - 10:00pm UK time.
If interested whisper Berdache, Luccia or Nyrelle in game or shout on here and we’ll sort you a link to Luccia’s Bnet or Discord (the guild name is his fault so he gets dumped on!)