yehm in retail there are changes and still losing subs.
I think a lot of cosmetic things should be added to the Classic game that wasn’t in Vanilla, nothing that changes the gameplay though. Things like the barber shop and transmog. I used to be against it but after playing for a while I miss looking decent.
In my opinion, transmog would undermine the social status (for lack of a better term) gained by wearing the high end gear. Seeing someone with Hand of Rag or full tier etc has a distinct effect on how you view the player.
That’s just my two cents tho. Barber shop would be cool idd.
#nochanges havent been in effect from day 1. #nochanges is so dead and so private servers. #2020wowclassicchangesthatmakesence
When I say transmog I mean the stuff you get in classic can only be used in classic, so you can’t go to retail MC and get the hammer then use it on Classic, you would have to get it in classic to transmog it in classic. Otherwise it’s too easy.
I wouldn’t care about a barber shop but there are so many bugs still in the game it would greatly annoy me if they spent an ounce of their time putting that in place before fixing important stuff.
Apparently a lot of the bugs were in 1.12 so they are in this one too. They were trying to make it authentic, bugs included, but since it isn’t they should fix them and add a few other cosmetic things.
I’m not talking about implementation quirks like Elemental Mastery (double crits were a thing even in TBC with Shatter combos, so they became accepted behaviour even if not originally intended), but things that objectively don’t work, often unique to 1.13.
Also there were bugs in 1.12 that don’t exist in 1.13 and trying to reproduce it for the sake of authenticity would be idiotic, so I have no reason to believe that’s the case.
How would it hurt, presuming here of course that Transmog is Character only. The account-wide thing was one of the worst ideas. Ever.
It’s funny because all that people who says #nochanges, if they add something as optional, like BFA graphics or barber shop, even “some transmog” (like just up to 2 items, to complete a tier or something)
After a month of CRYING on the forum, 100% they are going to use those changes
And they will say now “no, no, we won’t” but they will, OBVIOUSLY
They get a new tier and can change your hair colour, they won’t do it? of course they will, stop saying STUPID THINGS
It’s 2020, stop playing a Nintendo 64 game and trying to make everyone play it
“Fokin” changes are needed, bugs, bots, customization, graphics, content, …
A barbershop would be a lovely addition, I’d love to change the color of my Gnomes’ and Dwarves’ beards now and again.
And so is classic now too aparently.
Classic is also bleeding subs.
Single player mmorpg? - Similar to classic aside from raids? lol.
All I see is you hating on retail, is it because you haven’t raided above normal difficulty? XD.
Classic also has random items with random stats, so I guess classic is also a mobile game?
See OP, this is the type of child that likely began in legion/BFA and got kicked from LFR for bad performance.
Classic has already had loads of changes.
Mailbox = “Open all”
Battlenet friends.
I can go on.
Hey, it’s okay if you started in legion/BFA… you’ll understand someday
Yes and how I hate those changes. Add-ons cen hide most, but not B-net friends. Gotta live with that.
Some already want those but I am against all of those things you said. And developers can also differentiate between a barber shop and cash shop, mount tabs etc.
All those you counted change the gameplay of the game and make certain things less meaningful. Even transmogging could seem like a cosmetic feature at the first glance but it changes the gameplay, for instance you can see how much your enemy is geared when you see their armor or that huge sword in their back and pick your fights according to that, which is a huge element in pvp. Or, as you get better gear, you look better in general, which gives the feeling of accomplishment.
But barber shop has nothing to do with this. It has no relation to your power or accomplishments whatsoever and you normally wouldn’t avoid fighting a gnome because she has green pony tails.
It is just a random little feature that is only and only about looks. You could have a different hair when you made your character and nothing would be any different.
Why can’t we have X in classic?
Replace X with something you don’t like. Then add 1000 more X.
One X is fine, 10 X is fine, but at some point there are just to damn many X. So lets not add any X just to be safe.
If Blizzard said they would add a barber shop but no other custom changes ever I would be fine with that, but we all know, if they start adding changes they will never stop.
Personally I like the fact that creating a character means something.
Let’s face the facts, the whole no changes approach was doomed from the start, Classic just isn’t made for this new mentality of min-maxing and rushing to the very end as fast as possible, trying to recapture the original feeling of Vanilla was always going to be an impossible task.
Everything is already categorized, figured out, theorycrafted and documented, recreating the “Vanilla experience” was an unrealistic dream that we should have never had clung to in the first place and certainly shouldn’t have depended on Activision-Blizzard to do.
So I say screw it, give us a barbershop, what’s it going to ruin that we haven’t already ruined for ourselves?
While we’re at it maybe improve some of the broken stuff, maybe give us a PvP ranking system that isn’t complete canine excrement and clean up the complete and utter mess that is AV.
It is very interesting that vanilla/nochanges has become a new religion for some of you people.
There can be good and bad changes to the game.
Bad ones are, those which harm or disrupt the vanilla experience, such as cash shop, mount collecting, xmog, ingame shop, LFG/R, titanforged etc. I am against all of these and I think the game shouldn’t change in that regard.
Good changes to the game have already been made, such as better graphics and character models, better game engine for smoother combat, bug and UI fixes etc.
And they were all good additions to the game and not many people are complaining about those. After all, how many players would like to play a game with 360p resolution and square faces in 2020 right? Would you like to fall off the sky in tanaris when you use HS and die 3 times a day? But that was the vanilla experience for us. If you just want that, get yourself a dial-up connection with 40kb/s speed tomorrow and get dced 7 times in a MC run tomorrow. Because that is the real nochanges way.
So the barber shop is fundamentally the same thing. It doesn’t harm or disrupt the vanilla mechanics in any way. It is just a good thing to have and we, as rational creatures, have the capacity to rationally evaluate and decide that and not confuse it with all the garbage mentioned in this thread like level boosts or LFR.
What the heck seriously? I ask for barber shop and almost all the replies to me are about LFR and cash shop mounts…
Pretty much, if people wanted #nochanges - They’d be playing on their old PC at 10fps and 300 ping.