Yes here we go again. Retail is not a good game. Instead of tossing a random pointless comment maybe just maybe you can explain what you are talking about. No because why bother.
If you like retail good for you. A lot of people do not. That’s why classic exists. So unless you have something useful to say or you are here to talk about classic well… go back to retail was it?
Right, and we will have none of that.
You’re just writing nonsense and not arguing the point.
There is not 2 puritan camps of “progressives” and “conservatives” in the world. Mankind has the capacity of thinking and distinguishing what is good and what is bad.
Every progressive wants to conserve some good things they deem worthy in their lives/society. Similarly every conservative wants to change the society in certain ways while keeping the fundamental, core values.
I don’t know why you brought the discussion to this weird point but I know quite a lot on politics since I teach it in the university. There is no conservative thinker in history that still wants to live in a cave, or wear leaf on their genitals. In fact, most conservatives like Burke, von Mises, Kierkegaard etc. were the greatest admirers of technological change and they had no objection to certain changes in the society as long as the core philosophies/characteristics are not changed.
On the other hand, I know no reasonable “progressives” that want change simply for the sake of change, or that want to change “everything” in the society.
So, try to argue the point instead of bringing the LFR garbage on the table. Is barber shop, aka changing hair color/style is bad for the game? Does it harm the fundamental vanilla/classic values? Does it change the gameplay, does it diminish any other ingame achievements?
No. It has nothing to do with any of these, it gives no conveniences to the player as you try to portray it. It is a 100% positive feature that just keeps the player happy for a bit more until they get bored of their hair color and try a new one.
You keep repeating this like a parrot but I’m quite sure that it will be in the game sooner or later and you will be one of the first people to go change your hair in a barber shop.
Again, the LFR and other stupid straw man arguments. I’m not asking for LFR, I’m asking for the barber shop.
You teach politics at university and you do not recognize the pattern of progressives demanding more and more if they are given even a millimeter?
You ask for a barbershop today, some other guy will ask for LFR tomorrow, and will use the fact that the barbershop got implemented as an excuse.
There will be no barbershop, or any other feature that wasnt in vanilla in classic.
I agree. There should be a Barber Shop because it would add for immersion. And they changed the game already, there whas no visible Clock before in the interface but they added it for beta and players liked it. I honestly see no problem with changing the Hairstyle or Haircolour. I would love to see a calender for RP and Raid dates too and upright going orcs but I fear first would be to modern and last will be retconed with Reforged.
There is already one. The Clock below the mini map whas something that whas added in the last BC patch.
Yeah I hate progressives as much as the next gamer but this for sure is not a political thing, it’s a computer game thing.
Im pretty sure I know what I am talking about. You are the one telling us retail is “random gear with random stats”. That just shows your lack of knowledge.
Retail is not a good game for you and for many more, yes. But for me and for many more it is what we enjoy It is highly subjective. For instance Classic isn´t for me, I cannot find anything I would enjoy whether it is simple gameplay, simple raids, old models or AV spam for ranking up in PvP. There is no endgame in Classic which I find the most enjoying part of BfA whether it is m+ pushing, much more challenging raids or rated PvP.
But I am not saying it is a bad game because I know it is subjective. You on the other hand don´t like the game and because you don´t like it = it is a bad game.
Are CS:GO, Fortnite, all MOBA games bad games because I don´t like to play them? No, they are just not what I find enjoyable. Classic / Retail is the same, they are totally different games.
The mentality is the same tho
Yes and I repeat it again: you are not a cockroach, you are a human. You have to capacity to rationally discuss and distinguish what is good and what is bad.
Instead of being white and black, you can read what they are asking for and try to understand it.
If some guy will ask for another thing which is antithetical to the vanilla core gameplay such as LFR tomorrow, you can just oppose or refuse him.
And it is funny that I was one of the people that kept asking for classic since it wasn’t even a project, I was against the LFG addon and everything.
You can’t stop every bit of change completely. You need to go case by case and try to think for yourself, instead of worshipping a religion of non-existant puritan vanilla god that you created.
No you just drop in toss in a throw away comment and that’s it. And as I mentioned if you like it good for you. I am not telling you not to. There are multiple reason why retail is a bad game. It has some good point as most games do but there is a reason why it’s bleeding subs.
So if you could compare a leftist political argument that was similar to the arguments used for adding a barber shop in classic, what would that be?
It still is the most played MMORPG on the market. How bad must be those games who are not played by so many players?
Get T2 Hunter helm, I alredy forgot how my hair looks like lol.
If you don’t wear T2 helm with pride then you are some weebo sorry but it’s best looking helm in game ( maybe lock one is nice too )
Imho it looks horrible without having the shoulders, especially if you have like yellow/black color pallet on the rest of your gear.
T2 helm is good but only with the other parts of the same set, which isn’t available yet.
The helm is yellowish too matching T1 shoulders , maybe you are undergeared I suggest rerolling and changing hair then might aswell since u have no gear to replace anyways
Aha, so you want me to reroll my alt and spend another few weeks/thousands of gold to make a new alt with another hair color so that I can delete it when next phase comes and reroll another one there with another hair color matching the new set. And in phase 6, obviously, I will need to reroll again.
I see. Great idea, keep it coming.
I’ve an idea. Care less about it.
I can’t really care less because my stupid green hair covers 1/4th of the screen when I disable my helm, and the helm looks super dorky as well.
Look how horrible T2 helm looks, and the facial hair/eyebrows are still making it more terrible.
I thought green hair/facial hair would fit the hunter lore&gear when creating the character, and it looked good on the creation screen. Oh how wrong I was.
Lol I can’t relate, I never play with the camera so close
It that is not disputed. And a lot of MMO’s failed because they tried to emulate wow. A lot of the players are legacy players and a lot of people pay the accounts out of habit like a cable plan they don’t watch.
A lot of games are doing great with a specific crowd nothing wrong with that. However quantity is not the same as quality. Retail WOW is bigger it’s grander it’s flashier and it’s the biggest but it’s not as good as it used to be. In it’s attempt to cater to everyone the casual, the hard core, the solo player, the people that like easy content, the people that like hard content and everyone else it lost it’s focus.
I have been around for most of it and I have seen the decline. LFR, the loss of the hybrid tax, shards, buffs, nerf, class changes. Everyone running around with the Ashbringer.
Play the game I’m glad you like it. A lot of people do. But it’s still not a good game. It has a lot of flaws and a loss of identity.