Due to late hours getting my Shadowlands experience has been rough to get off its feet.
Looking for monday /tuseday crew, Late gang could work too.
Currently I play on Argent Dawn, but im willing to switch to anywhere.
Been playing on and off since Vanilla, had my hayday in WoTLK tho.
Hit me up, this game is trash when you dont have a killer crew <3
Hello! we have a few bartenders and people working in restaurants in our guild aswell!
Our guild is called Breakfast Raiders, wer on Ravencrest currently and in need of DPS and Socials
Sitting at 7/10M atm. am gonna be easy and just link the recruitment post <3
Breakfast Raiders! (Morning Raiding Guild) 7/10Mythic - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (
Hi mate,
[H] Crustacean nation (Draenor) is a newly formed guild made of mythic raiders with the goal of reaching CE in 9.1. We are recruiting dedicated DPS and healers who want to give their best performance Monday and Wednesday 20:00-23:00 ST
We have an exceptional core and want to start with Mythic progress as we cleared HC CN within the very first raid night!
Feel free to DM me on discord @ KooDoo#3050.
Hey there!
Saw you looking for a guild and decided to pitch in.
Remix - Silvermoon [A]
New guild with the aim of getting Aotc and progress as far into mythic as we can.
Raids: Wednesday and Monday from 7pm-10pm servertime, with an optional alt raid on Fridays 7pm-10pm servertime
My Btag: Raski#21503 add me for a chat