I went for the basic edition this time around because the benefits are useless to me, I mean, I’m not a collector so couldn’t care less about mounts and stuff, I’m not someone who will level new alts and I already have everything I need so it fits me well.
In b4 everyone buys the epic edition and few months after launch find everything in the store for cheaper like every other previous expansion…
Heroic for the cheap boost. The fluff that comes with it is rubbish if you ask me, so I’m not at all concerned about it. It’s strange, too, I’d be willing to stump up money for decent rewards, but the ones they’re coming up with lately are junk - case in point, a onesie…
I bought the epic edition myself. I considered heroic but I really like the pet, as well as the illusion. Not to mention it came with game time as well. So the 7 extra euros for a pet and an illusion was worth it in my opinion.
I went for: Nothing
Too early, too little information. Pre-ordering is a bad practice on its own… even worse when its so early.
Base one dont wast your money on that awful mount and transmog
dont forget the game time worth of 13 euros.
I got the middle one, I couldn’t be bothered to level a rogue so I went for the cheapest with a boost. I’m know I got a mount but I’m not sure, and don’t really care, what else I got.
At minimum heroic to get the boost.
Still thinking about the epic one, with a difference of 9 Euro’s (if you count 1 month at 11 Euro’s when you buy subscription 6 months at a time).
Just FYI you got
- Includes a pre-purchase* of World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands
- early access to Death Knights for Allied Races and Pandaren starting with the Visions of N’Zoth content update
- instant access to a Level 120 Character Boost
- the Ensorcelled Everwyrm flying mount
- the flying mount grants a quest for the Vestments of the Eternal Traveler transmog set
Usually I stand with this sentiment as well, but World of Warcraft is an exception to this rule for me at least. Simply because I know that I am going to play Shadowlands. It’s absolutely certain.
Has finally decided which to chose and it will be Base Edition because I have no need for anything else in the more expensive Editions.
Surely it’s for individual people to decide what to spend their money on, and whether something is ‘awful’ or not rather than YOUR opinion being the only one.
Ye ye whatever
3x epic here for me my wife and our son. Game on.
I will wait and see class and gameplay changes before purchasing the new expansion.
Quick tip : buying the basic edition now makes no sense.
Indeed the expansion will always be available in 8 - 12 months when it comes out so there is no need to buy it now.
The only ones that make sense to buy NOW are the heroic / epic ones IF you need the 120 boost now or want to use the perks now.
Otherwise just wait until a few days before the actual release date to buy the basic expansion : your money won’t be stuck for several months, you will keep the option not to buy the expansion if you changed your mind by then and you might even get it for cheaper at that point.
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