Base, Heroic or Epic Edition?

I do not know which to buy yet.

Which one have you people got who bought it?

I am mostly interested in the Death Knight thing.

Heroic, i didn’t care for anything but the expansion + the discounted boost in all the packs

That should come with Base edition, I think.

But honestly, I chose the Heroic edition for the mount+boost

Epic edition will give you a pet, weapon enchants and a month of sub

[quote=“Paría-silvermoon, post:1, topic:107246”]
I am mostly interested in the Death Knight thing.

I’ll play it on the PTR when the prepatch goes on!

I’ve not bought the game yet but likely closer to launch, but only the standard edition. Nothing I want.

Seems to me like the heroic one is best because you get with it the mog which is nice one in my opinion. The epic one is to pricey for what it offers.


I mean with the epic edition you’re essentially paying 7€ for a pet, the hearthstone and an illusion

Ironically the “Epic”-edition is a better deal than the “Heroic” one for the simple fact that you get 30 days of playtime.


Here is my thougts before deciding:

40 for the base version

Pay 15 to get a 120 boost, which is cheap, and i was gonna buy a boost anyway, so money saved.

Then from there is is 20 extra for the epic, and that includes 1 month which is worth 13, so ask yourself, is 7 euro for a limited edition tmog, mount and pet worth it? if yes then go epic, if no heroic, but if you don’t need boost go for base.

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I don’t play hearthstone, about pets I never cared that much and for the illusion is not rly worthy to pay € 20 more in comparison to the heroic edition when I could instead get for that a 2 months of the game time.

I mean hearthstone as in hearthstone animation in WoW

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The DKs allied races should come with the base edition.
I would recommend the Heroic one tho, you get the expansion, a mount and the tmog. I think it’s good enough.

(I bought the Epic just for the illusion)

They do :o

Ah I didn’t read that description fully :laughing: :blush:. Still that is just an effect for when you are using your hearthstone, and not something which is constant and there for majority of the hours while you are playing.

where do you take those prices from? epic version is 74.99€, heroic 54.99€ and base 39.99€ o.O

Heroic Version is 15€, I don’t know why maybe it is a bug, it seemed cheap to me I might buy. For the first time I see an expansion this cheap.

I did look over the Complete edition instead of the Shadowlands one, but even with the Shadowlands prices the difference is still there of the € 20 between the heroic and the epic edition.

I’m planning on buying the epic version at some point. Why? Its actually better deal than heroic. Its only slightly more expensive, but gives more stuff. If there is anything on epic version that you want, it is worth it. This is due to the 1month of game time. Thats one month sub off from the price. Suddenly its price is almost as much as heroic version.

If I wanted a character boost I’d buy the Epic version, but as I don’t I’ll go with the base version. To me, the mount, the mog set, weapon effect and pet are definitely not worth £25.

get none they don’t deserve any money

I went for the Epic version.

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