Battle for Ashenvale Fixes -- More Coming

With realm restarts earlier today, we applied a hotfix to Season of Discovery that was designed to help with the issue where players were sometimes being suddenly moved to a different layer mid-combat.

We’ve been working on additional fixes that we intend to apply to the game with realm restarts later this week. One of these is an additional adjustment for the % progress counter moving backwards or resetting.

Mainly, we want everyone to know that these issues have been a priority for us, and we’ll continue to work through them as quickly as possible.


Please fix your layering tech , phasing while im in combat into a full group of respawned mobs is neither fun nor engaging , you are ruining my immersion. Also having all players congested into a single layer at 5am fighting for mob tags is terrible too.

Can you please limit those layering changes you did to SoD only to apply to ashenvale and leave the rest of the world to work like in Hc,ERA,Wotlk ?

Fix the premades in WSG you bunch of :clown_face:


Now you don’t get reputation for killing bosses, or win,

Are you revered with Silverwings?