Community Name: Battle for Azeroth
Focus/Type: Raids
Battle for Azeroth Content of the Community:
- PvP BG : Recruitment level 50 with itemlevel 100+ active twinks for Battegrounds.
- PvE Intances: Level 50-60 character for Nyalotha Normal/Heroic Raids, 8.0-8.3 contents.
- PvE Premades: Recruitment level 60 with ilevel 200+ for Nyalotha Mythic Raids.
Status: We got fifty+ total member those days. We have benn doing organize half core Nyalotha Mythic for weeks. Also building small grp premades on lvl 50 PvP BG at evenings/nights.
Plus: English language on channel/raids. No addition teamtalk software or mic need.