Battle for Naz'jatar and Sharding

I just want to vent a bit about something that just happened to me and strengthened my hatred towards sharding.

I was participating in the Battle for Naz’jatar event and we were just about to win. Worth mentioning is I was not in a group at the time and just joined in solo. Then while flying to a flag I suddenly swapped shard and ended up in a phase where the opposite faction, namely horde, won just the second I joined. I was given a loss, debuff cooldown for an hour, and 20 conquest.

Good start of the day, getting robbed of 30 conquest because of some horrible sharding.
Thank you.

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That does suck. I assume excess Alliance in shard triggered it. If yes - tricky situation for the shard manager - but maybe after battle has started shard kicking should be temp disabled (edit: shard pop cap instead). The more successful side should not be penalized for being successful.

I don’t BfN much, but that would prob be only place sharding would bother me, only a small amount if at all.

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