Battle net client will not install

Hi there i have been trying to install battle net client/app since 8am this morning, im at the point where i have exhausted all my options from the internet.

i have deleted files, restarted several times disabled firewalls and anti virus software, ive tried battle net client install , wow client install.

The clients either get to around 75% updating blizzard agent, or i egt to the install window and it stays on 0% and does not move.

i have also noticed that the install is opening up atleast 5-6 processes exactly the same in task manager im currently at witts end with this and bound to sod it off because it is giving me a headache.

im running windows 7 - tower meets minimum requirements atleast.

im stumped now, hopefully someone can help me :slight_smile:

Muchos gracias

Have you tried what is referred to in these support articles?

Aye i have done this several times now with no luck, i have a feeling maybe the EE dongle i use could be preventing the battle net app from retrieving the files it needs to but i have no way of knowing because i cannot access the dongle.

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In the case of a routing/filtering issue, you could try running a VPN over the dongle connection to rule it out on filtering the file downloads. There are some free ones online.

okie dokie ill give that a shot

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And you are sure you are doing this as an administrator?

Hey Thrahl.

The problem that you are having is likely caused by the connection type you are using. It also makes it tricky for us to help you troubleshoot due to the nature of the connection.

I would suggest that you try to connect through a wired connection to see if that allows you to download the necessary files, and if it does you can swap back to the wireless connection.

I know that you have tried quite a few troubleshooting steps already, but please also take the time to go through the ones you have not tried from our guide here.

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As i have left this for a while and im not actually using my own personal computer for the installation of the game i have only just got back the computer i am having issues with, as it stands i have done all sorts up to now, safe mode with networking, bringing the files on a pen drive from my computer at home, i have got the app to open this way, but update sticks at 0% for the client , and wow classic sticks on “calculating disk space” i assume this is because the client is trying to update, witch it wont update because it is not technically installed to this machine, unfortunately i do not have a wired connection here, we use dongle only, my only other option would be to try download through wireless hotspot, but im sure that will result in the same problem, i will give that ago next and keep you updated, and i apologise from the very late response.

Hey Thrahl

When you have your update stuck at 0% please try these steps to see if it helps. :slight_smile: