Battle net launcher

Hi everyone,for some reason i cannot download blizzard desktop launcher for windows 10,or anything,i’v tryed everything but its always stuck at 0.1/4.5MB or 3%
i’v also tryed diferent explorers like mozzila,edge etc etc,nothing is working ;(

Same for me. Stuck at 3%.

how i did, fortunality i had laptop,i didnt use same wifi,i used my phone personal hotspot,and with that i download’d bizzard exe launcher and pasted on USB,put on my pc and worked

Yep, this should work. I asked a friend to DL and share the app with me.

Hey guys,

are you from Serbia or Croatia ? That might be the issue. Blizzard´s Servers been having some issues with certain ISP´s.

I found this in another post.

Hope this can help you guys.

Have a good one,

Hello all,

Please stick to this here so that we have all the information together.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?