Battle of Dazar'alor Mythic

Dear Blizzard…
I know you’ve had A LOT of S*** to deal with lately, but will it really be to much to ask for from the community to make Battle of Dazar’alor Mythic Solo’able ???
Week after week after week, you queue up with lots of random people and have “fun”.
The facts that the raid is still soo hard on certain bosses (mekkatorgue, etc), that group’s wipe after wipe after wipe, cause no one wanna spend 1min listening to what you have to do etc.
It takes away a GREAT deal of fun for many i’m sure of, and all we want with this OLD raid tier, is just to be able to log in, run/fly to the raid, enter our self’s, alone, ready to just farm this raid out for the sweet Transmogs!

PLZZ dear Blizzard, i humble BEG you to make this raid Solo’able within this year or for at least 9.2!! plz plz plz! i beg you!

Doubt it. To solo that raid on Mythic you will probably have to wait until next expansion’s later patches. Some time in 2023 probably…

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