Battle pet drops

when you kill a boss and he drops a pet battle. why i can´t simply send the pet to AH character and have to go through learning the pet and than putting it into cage?
wouldnt it be easier if the pet just came in a cage?
btw i do pet battles (mainly for reputation) but i have some pets more than 3 times so selling them is only option.

Fair point, though I don’t feel it’s a big deal.

I suspect the answer is back in the database - that bosses aleays drop items, and a Pet Cage is not a simple item, since it can have multiple categories of values associated with it … level, breed, appearance. (AFAIR, that caused a problem once, when a bug caused some Pat Cages stored in Guild Banks to lose their attributes.)

A more interesting question is why some of the items are Soulbound, and others aren’t. I don’t see a clear reason why

is Soulbound but


At least by caging it you have the potential to sell it on any realm if you want.

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