I’m actually looking forward to the battle pet part as it’s something I used to do a lot.
However I almost thought my attempt at the bike was at an end earlier when I discovered I needed a pet (perky pup) which I don’t possess as I have never done LFG. Happily that was made possible when I bumped into a lovely horde person at the monument who did have the pup and costume so I got the buff for the key.
The difference is that there’s no way to get the pup any more but you can get the pets I think (not quite got there yet).
I think they’re trying to get a little bit of everything in the secrets so everyone has a chance to do something that they enjoy/are good at.
The pet Perky Pug is from LFG queuing with multitudes or something. It is very much obtainable.
Maybe if you are able to do LFG … but I couldn’t see the achievement that gives it either. But it doesn’t matter as they gave us a work-around for that.
Thousands of people are working this out and a lot more are following the guide to get it.
It was mostly one (1) guy who made all this.
From what I understood.
It’s more a labor of love then anything else.
Also a breath of fresh air for wow.
Plus I like helping around the altars for the annoying toys required
Edit: Not a FoS its still there as an achievement and says
"Use dungeon finder tool to finish random heroic dungeons until you have grouped with 100 random players total " Pet: Perky Pug.
PS. You can only have one of these pets, so if you get them on multiple characters you need to delete the others as you cannot learn it.
It is wise to get together some friends to do this secret even if using a guide, Some people shine where others don’t, If i was trying to do this solo i wouldve gotten stuck right away. The battlepet part really defeated me and one friend as we do not like petbattles at all, but our third companion managed to complete it and let us borrow tradeable pets and we eventually got past it, and later on we helped her get past a part that she couldn’t do. So gather some friends. - Tho seeing as everything else so far is able to be done as a group, with shared progression, this should be the case for the pet battle as well, but as of right now it isint, and that is very frustrating.
I gave up after finding you need Perky Pug to complete one of the steps