⚠ Battleground blitz : Rule of some map has changed

:warning: warning: riday Night we could have played battleground blitz with the blues and other players

And we were all lost on some map and i will write here so we will all be prepared because some are rulebreaking and not yet used to

Before going map by map, a summary of overall changes :

  • when queue pop, it wait the 16 people if they accept the queue, you have no detail if there’s 2 tank or 12 dps
  • Respawn is 20 seconds instead of 30
  • Mount run up to 150% ADDED movement speed ( you go up to 250% movespeed)
  • If a leaver leave during the very start of the game, it is instantly replaced by someone else, after the game started no one can be replaced
  • gathering is faster

So let’s see map by map those changes :

:white_flag: Arathi Bassin + Deepwind Gorges

The flag systems does not work like in RBG or unranked battleground

All flag start uncapped, when you capture a flag you have to defend it for 1 minutes no change on that

:warning: After the base being capped, the base is “secured” and cannot be capped by ny other player for 1 minutes
If you are able to leave the base better to do so to avoid lose times


this is a massive change, and everyone got fouled on that change we were kinda lost mot of the time

:cyclone: Eyes of the Storm

This one is messy, when it will be released everyone will be lost, so this is the most important part to understand in battleground blitz

This is the rated map of Eye of the storm, so in the middle there’s walls to prevent from knockback like in ranked one

1 base at the north and south can be captured
If for example Draenei ruin is avaiable for capture, Saccager ruin is also unlocked on horde side
The base unlocked on north and south are always opposite, you will not be able to see the case of both draenei ruin and blood elf unlocked due they are not opposite

:warning: Base stay capped until the middle flag is capped at one base
So when a base is capped, it give point naturaly if controlled by the faction
if you cap it, all bases are reseted and you will have to go to the other base to cap.
Let’s make a situation :

Draenei ruin is capped by the alliance
Saccager ruin is capped by the horde

-You are alliance side player and you take the base to Draenei ruin, you will score 150 points.

-All bases are now reset, and a timer of 15 seconds pop until the middle flag reappear
-During that timer no base can be capped

-After that timer, Tower mage and Blood elf tower can be captured ( opposite of precedant bases)

-You will have to cap these bases, wait 1 minutes and middle flag can be captured to one of these base and then all bases are reseted and draenei and saccager become capturable again

:warning: the flag in the middle is fast capping
to the point if a warlock mortal coil it is enought time for him to capture the flag in middle

:recycle: new healing chest added near the middle on each side
If one of your two healers are out of mana, he can leave the middle to the end of the road near the cliff he will foudnd a healing chest to restore his mana full, by the time he come back middle he will be full mana

:wolf: Battle of Gilneas

This map work like normal gilneas , but is work some mention :

:ocean: if you are mounted, you run so fast you don’t need to touch the water

:recycle: a recovery cooldown buff chest is added near waterwork (closer to alliance side, i did not found the other one on horde side). that buff instead of 1 seconds each second your cooldown go down, it goes each seconds 1.5 seconds for like 1 minutes. if you have mandatory cooldown, don’t hesitate to take this buff

:ninja:t2: between the road of each bases like a stealth chest, take it and you will be dismounted, gain 50% movement speed and stealth.

One located between mine and waterwork
One located between lighthouse and waterwork
(To be confirmed if not a shield chest) One located between lighthouse and mine on the hill

My opinion on this chest is it is useless since you run on mount by 150% mount act like a teleporter and you don’t need chest

i suspect there will be something behind the hill on the road near the sea, i just forgot to check it

:gem: Temple of Hotmogu

This one have the same rule than the normal hotmogu

I still have a feeling the respawn of healing chest is a bit faster than the average bg/rbg , wich is good for healer if need to regen mana

:shield: on the middle of the map ( the 3 points zone) , on 1 corner of alliance & horde side there’s a chest hidden by a pillar
This shield buff give 754 k absorb shield ( for a player who had 1m health) For 45 seconds
This buff is good if you have a lot of stack of orb and you have to avoid a Greater pyroblast or a sniper shot who deal % damage of the health increased by the orb you hold.

:flags: Warsong Glutch & Twin Peaks

Someone on 11 battleground blitz i didn’t had the chance to touch it
I heard it required at least 1 tank queued in the role on each side to have it
But since tank are able to get all the maps, tank have 2 chances out of 8 to get the map of Warsong glutch and Twin Peaks

I hope it will help to be warned on those changes
At first we are disoriented and don’t understand
But then we get used to it

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They did infact post what the changes they wanted to test out was going to be:

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good to know !

Sad they didn’t set more detail where each new buff are, i would have been interested

as always blizzard trying to reinvent the game will have consequences on 2 fronts

1st. normal bg should be used to “practice” for blitz/rated, will have different games
2nd unbalanced af. “thats what testing is for bla bla bla”
yes, and as we know we test things, and they never get fixed or solved

call me a pessimist, but all i wanted was have, BATTLEGROUNDS, with RATING why this design mess, classic blizzrd style.

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i have been in the beta of dragonflight when rating Solo shuffle has been implemented

trust me you don’t want a rushed implementation of a ranked, there’s so many thing to fix before setting rating :

  • What happen if someone leave during the game ? will the game stop instantly ?
  • What will be the impact if someone intentionally stop playing as a key role ? will the team vote a surrender and avoid the consequence of lost ? how it is fair for the ennemy team ?
  • What if the tank get a disconnection while holding the flag in a ranked ? ( real experience i have is with my demon hunter in BFA sometime the double jump could randomly disconnect you, making instant drop the flag at the disconnect. Should he hold it until he reconnect back ?)
  • Disconnection from server happen, how to handle it ? is it considered as intentional afk, what happen of if 7v8 due to a disconnection ? how is the 7 will be impacted on the rating of it ?
  • I am with X player, i have bad behavior, i intentionnaly throw the game because i see someone i don’t like on my team. what would be the sanction ? should people who lost rating be refunded ?
  • i am stuck on the map, the system if stuck always prioritise hearthstone instead of suicide first in support system . if i hearthstone i leave the battleground. Should i be punished for something that is not my fault ?
  • a huge number of DPS tags in , let’s say it’s 1900 mmr, and 3 healer is 2000 rating and that healer waited for 25mn for queue due to missing 1 healer, should the matchmaking seek a 1200 healer at all cost so people get queue fast ?
  • what should be the minimum of ilevel to enter a battleground blitz ?
  • what should be the maximum of ilevel difference between a group ?
  • should a PvE tank must spam unranked PvP to get gear in order to enter battleground blitz or can he enter directly in ?
  • should there be a limit of spec stacking on each side ?
  • if 3 player in front have knockback, should the systems also only match if there’s also 3 knockback in ennemy team ?
  • Is the chest recovery valuable for everyone or should it be added an another bonus so everyone get the same benefit ?
  • Is there too much healing chest for healer to get mana regen fast ? is the chest respawning too fast or too slow ?
  • how much time should be considered a healer drinking mana to get back his mana to 100% in blitz ?
  • No new food has been added in 10.2, the ennemy team have a mage and my side don’t, am i in disadvantage by the matchmaking due i have 0 foods instead of 1 mage food ? Should a player suicide if he’s too far from a healer in order to heal up faster than eating food ?
  • Berserker / Healing buff / speed buff can have the same place on certain map, but it is actually random. One side have speed buff and 1 side have the berserk buff. Should the same side should start with the same buff ? and which buff should spawn first ?
  • should the stealth buff always auto dismount ? would it be ok to have 1 person stealthed on mount or be forced to be dismounted ?
  • Does the Shield buff absorb too much or not enough damage ? is it overpowered when combined with a orb ?
  • Respawn is very quick, 20 seconds, a healer need 8 seconds without direct hit to leave combat in order to drink. should when a healer take a healing buff the healing buff is not cancelled when being hit and continue to regen mana but not health ?
  • Mount speed can allow many melee to quicker reach a caster and have a starting avantage, should the systems help to find something for caster being compensated by that disavantage ?
  • Twin peaks has been a question since cataclysm, if you are horde side and with movement speed + slow fall you can take flag faster to horde. How do we balance that map so both side are equal ?
  • Cross faction will happen, everyone have their habit. should we set a preference of side if they are alliance player by default to set them alliance side or make it totally random so people get mixed racial in both side ?
  • Someone is trolling the queue pop, should we set a limit in order to stop trolling 15 people ?
  • The system of queue pop work by “if everyone accept we can all go in”, it can make booster check if everyone have the same queue pop and then boost a side ?
  • Should role be display when accepting the queue ? ( is there a tank in this blitz or not ?)
  • when someone leave in preparation phase, someone else outside immediatly get the queue. How many people should be set “in bench” in case a leaver happen ?
  • Some map can be strong with knockback, for example arathi bassin in lumber mill. should we cheer for it or when someone fall make it injured and not dead. or should we add barriers ?
  • Should speed buff chest be allowed for tank holding a flag ?

and so many more
Because a solo queue systems with many players can really make a mess and make the bracket dead

I am hyped but many question need to be looked at

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i see you found the Emote button :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

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