Battleground Premades

For the whole week the Alliance private group on EU servers queue up for Epic BGs at the same time, get into the same BG and farm people 24/7 making the whole BG system unplayable.

Is it gaming as intended or Blizzard would eventually act and do something about it?


I play ally and I see horde premades myself it’s on both sides sadly, and blizz seems to be not caring sadly. Lots of people going" URHM ACTUALLY IT’S NOT AGAINS TOS

On forums doesn’t help either.


Green text with blizzard quotes appears in 3…2…1…


Yeah, i saw that guy - he is premading himself and try to calm things down so everybody shut up. Not gonna happen.

Welp that explains why he’s so active on the topic. :clown_face:

Nah bud re roll ally i re rolled about a month ago the win rate for casual pvp is like 80% on ally

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