Battlegrounds are perhaps one of the best parts of the game

I thought I should share some personal and positive view. I find unrated bgs the most fun part of the game, especially for people that have a busy life and is hard to play regularly and have constant in-game friends.

So for me:

  1. I just login and play, during the waiting times I do household stuff or work my images in lightroom/photoshop
  2. No need to have guild and constant friends that need their “maintenance”
  3. The most important aspect always missed is that since groups are uncoordinated you can pick talents (including the pvp ones) and pull off stuff that in arena game would never be possible. That can increase your fun factor by a big margin.

So in this season I will be only be doing unrated bg since I can not play more than 2 hours a week and with this time budget there is no way you can have any notion of in-game friends and there is no guild that would ever think of you as a useful resource.


Ye I prefer unrated, nice and relaxing!

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Yeh same.

I prefer Randoms as I like having the ability to use buffs, engineering items, gliders etc, it makes the gameplay a little more dynamic (& being able to start & stop on my own schedule without having a team waiting).
The open world is pretty much my waiting lobby between BGs.


Can you help me with engineering items? What do I need to level to get access to boots? New content enginnering or the old classical wow engineering content (not sure how to describe this more precisely)

Not sure which boots you mean?

I really only use Nitro Boosts (Northrend Engineering -attach to belt) & Gliders (Pandaria Engineering).
There’s also Gunshoes (Legion Engineering), but if the boots you mean are from Dragonflight, I can’t help unfortunately.

How do I get nitro boots?

Northrend Engineering

wow-professions com/guides/northrend-engineering-leveling

so I need to go to northrend and level up engineering from there?


I want to say Nitro is unlocked at Northrend Engineering lvl 30, but it’s been a long time since I’ve done it, idk if anything changed.

If you visit the 2nd *link I posted, it’s (was) a pretty quick way to level-up.

*Blizz being weird. 1st link posted was fine, went to add 2nd link but suddenly I don’t have perms to post links!? :man_shrugging:t2:

so if you pick other enginnerings, Like engineering in dragonflight you are losing your old recipes right?

Every engineer of each expansion right now is their own.
What I mean by that is you can pick up engineer from every single expansion but you have to lvl them up individually.
So if you pick up dragonflight engineer and northrend engineer one wont get removed. You just “unlock” the northrend engineer part from engineer profession.

So when you learn the other expansion engineer they all get combined into the same profession. You just go into engineer profession in your spellbook (Professions) → click Filter and click on the expansion you want to look into.

at the start of the expansion I have picked alchemy, I guess I have unlearned all my engineering that I had right?

You can have 2 main professions.
If you removed engineer for alchemy then yes, I believe you have unlearned everything and need to lvl it up again.
The only difference is the dragonflight profession specializations wont change so you cant unlearn/relearn to get back those points to use it somewhere else.

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