There are currently a +2 HOURS queue to even OPEN the battlenet app on the computer, in order to start ANY of the blizzard games.
I mean - come on blizz… either hire some better techs, get some better equipment or just get better. its 15 years into wow - this is not news …
You would think Blizz would have learned by now on exp pre-patch and exp launch days but laughably not. The words, organise, piss-up and brewery spring to mind!
30 mins to launch the app, signed in, booted me straight out and now it says 40 mins wait time!
Logged in, logged out and had my account banned for “suspicious activity” now been in the queue well over an hour even though it said 22 mins when I logged in this last time. Absolute shít show as per usual so it’s safe to say that’s the last 24 hours of my game time, being píssed down the toilet and I’ll guarantee no refund from this lot.
I was in game, the game disconnected me then forced me to go install authenticator on my phone, i come back client login queue 30 mins. After the 30 mins fkin tells me i can’t login. This is a disaster, and the worst part is that login numbers did not actually go up, merely people coming back.
im stuck waiting 37997 minutes… was never this bad in wotlk when wow had double the amount of players, they need to quit cutting back on stuff and provide us the service we pay subscriptions for
Yeah i went from 6 minutes to 11945 minutes
I guess i am not gonna be able to play before next weekend.
Estimated wait now says and I kid you not - 30563 minutes
Seriously Blizzard is it too much to ask that just once you launch an exp pre-patch or expansion without the same old bullsh#t problems! I am not even going to bother logging in for a few days till they have sorted this mess out, I shall go back to Tamriel and have fun!
i’m at 80K minutes so yeah ^^ seeya in 2+ months XD
Was at 9 minutes to get in - now 64.000 minutes - yaaaayyyyyyyyy!
nice just 47192 minutes to wait
87082 min here
This is lovely
88077 minutes. So in about 2 months I’m good to go. Thank you!
It is literally counting UP and not down!
107649 here. Yea see you in 2 months
I got 103964
119316 minutes here
This really sucks…
Well the only thing that fixes this kind of sht coming from blizz is a nice juicy lawsuit and it will be coming because they are literally not giving a fk about everyone and not even issuing an apology.
Oh yay, just went down from like 80k minutes to 505 minutes, which I guess is a more correct waiting time, but still waaaay to long.