app keeps initializing and reclaiming disc space for WoW

All the 3 versions of WoW installed on my PC have been updating constantly for the past 3 days, I’ve restarted bnet but it’s still happening, it downloads a patch like 8 times a day (per game) for no reason.


Already multiple threads on this. You’d be better adding your stuff to the main thread, and not starting your own, as the duplicate threads tend to get ignored.

Game’s work as intended but it keeps updating every time i open/close

Same here … every time Battlenet reconnects it starts updating all versions of wow

Same thing happening to me. Says it’s starting an update, then reclaiming disk space.

A “workaround” for now, open Bnet settings > go in Downloads > click on Never automatically apply updates. That will stop the auto update loop.

Doesn’t really work because I get the ‘update’ button instead of Play. So I have to ‘update’ anyway.

My games also seems to updating after I am trying to launch.
I can open TBC Classic. When trying to open Classic, I am getting this; Error 154 (0x8510009a), and the application is closing itself. Have been getting this error the last week, and therefore unable for play.

Any responses from technical/customer support ?? I have the same problem since yesterday

Last responce from the NA CS team, 1d ago.

Pretty bad that this is still going on I think… Back in the good old days’ not even blizz would let stuff like this go on for days…
Starting the game direectly from the exe files will stop the update loop for a little while, so start game from exe, exit game and then start from launcher. Works for me, so thanks to the one that mentioned this earlier in thread.

4 days, still no fix. :woman_facepalming:

It’s good to know that I am not alone with this issue :sweat_smile:

Hey all,

As mentioned in the US blue post, the Dev Team are investigating the issue and we’ll update you all as soon as we have more info. :slight_smile:


Yes and that post is two days old. This isn’t a small bug that can be fixed on the side at some point in the future when it’s convenient. This error is preventing people from playing a game they pay for.

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Yeah, I have this problem too, it keeps trying to update constantly. The problem came recently.

How about you just merge the forums so we don’t have to go looking over at the US site for answers to questions/issues we raise over here in the EU!


It’s been three days since that was reported and it’s still broken. Any progress being made?

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It’s no coincidence that this started when SoM started up for name reservation.

For me it even happens in complete system idle. Every 30 mins or so it shows “WoW has started an update”.