removed my WoW Classic and don't want to install it again (64bit)

I noticed that WoW Classic is renamed to Burning Crusade and I forced to install WoW Classic again to play it. This really sucks but not a problem.

The problem: when I try to install WoW Classic Era via, I’m getting an error:
A 64 bit operating system is required to install and play blabla.

I understand it but my system IS 64bit. Windows 7, 64bit.

When I launch Burning Crusade, it launches fine but I see a message about minimum system requirements. I’ve double checked my PC’s spec and I’m sure my system does meet the minimum requirements:
Windows 7, 64-bit (OS and CPU), 8GB RAM, lots of HDD and separated 100GB SSD partition for WoW.

How can I fix this error? Reinstalling didn’t help… Please don’t “template answer” me…

It really does sound as if you actually don’t have a 64Bit OS.

To double check this, press and hold the windows key and tap the Pause/Break key. That will then open the Windows information pane, on that pane you will find “System Type”, that will tell you if you have a 32Bit or a 64Bit OS.

Just having a 64 Bit processor does not mean that a 64Bit OS was installed. Some OEM installations actually only come with a 32Bit OS installation, to save a fraction of a cent on their licensing costs.

It’s 64bit, I’ve checked it before creating this topic:

Erm I don’t think that CPU meets the minimum specs anymore.

Correct, it doesn’t. I just checked. That CPU falls significantly below minimum spec now. Sorry.

I understand but it doesn’t say “your cpu is old”. It say “your system is not 64-bit” :S

Btw, the cpu isn’t much slower than newer ones. Especially for Classic. I’ve played Classic (before it was renamed to Burning Crusade) on max settings without any lags.

Can I get any confirmation from tech support that this error is possible to get if CPU and OS are 64-bit but CPU is AMD Athlon x2 5200?

Probably just inaccurate error message. TBC probably uses some newer CPU extensions which are not supported by your CPU. SSE4 would be my guess but there are others as well.

It’s not about CPU speed, its about what features and commands are supported by the CPU.

My guess would be the same as Grelier, an inaccurate error message.

They won’t be able to give that confirmation, because unsupported hardware is just that, unsupported, hence out of their support scope.

The weird thing i see here it’s TBC apparently runs, but Classic Era fails to install…

It’s true that this message can trigger if the CPU is missing some extensions, but just in case… can you check if you have compatibility mode enabled in executable:

Ty all for trying to help :slight_smile: After long conversation with tech support they confirmed that my old boy CPU is the cause of this problem because it doesn’t support some required CPU instructions. So I need to replace it with the newer one.

It’s kind of funny that I need to upgrade my PC to play The Burning Crusade or Classic.

I managed how to play WoW Classic again: I asked my friend to send me archive of his C:\World of warcraft folder (without WTF, Cache, Interface and Logs folders). Then I unpacked it and now I can play again. Still can’t install the new one but able to play existing game at least.

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Old content but new code. All of WoW versions use more or less same modern client/engine with some minor version differences/branches.