Pretty disappointed in this 4-set bonus. The strength proc is fine, but extending it for any meaningful amount of time is not going to happen unless Bloodlust is up, or you have stacked absurd amounts of haste. It’s not like the only buttons we press are Blood Boil and Heart Strike…
It actually felt like a downgrade to play with the new 4-set instead of last tier 2-set + new 2-set.
Yeah the rune-gain loss was a big bummer, slowed things down a lot.
Yet it is what it is at this point. Hopefully the feedback has been loud and clear for the next tier set.
I wonder why it just wasn’t ‘during vampiric blood your strength is increased by 10%’ kind of thing. Would make it clearer, easier and more powerful. Simplicity is often the best way when you make something as passive as this.
I played with 2/2 for as long as I could. It actually was just a better feel of the spec gameplay.
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