how can blizzard decide that Bdk dmg should be at the lowest side while we have no buff no utility like paladin and we are so squishy in high keys?!
just open warcraft logs and check tanks dmg we are like 30% lower than dh or monks and considering they also bring 5% buff magick or physical dmg to the party is just insane difference…
how can blizzard have such a huge flaws in balance design when you see such huge numbers difference
like taking dk will literly provide nothing to the group no buff no utility no dmg agro issue i am literly geared to the teeth using all my offencive trinkets with echo weapon and still the dmg is like a joke i have still insane agro issue and my overall hurt so much the higher key you go the more this problem shows itself
i legit think they need to rework bdk talent tree or buff bdk dmg by like 25% or so we are so far behind even if they buff bdk aura by like 30% it only effect your overall by like 20% or so since most of our dmg will come fromt trinkets and weapons and aura buffs wont effect them.
and then they come with a patch where they buffed bdk dmg aura by 3% again lol
I feel you. Not only the dmg but the survability aswell - bdk is my main now.
If you compare what bdk brings in a group and what spells it has as a class it sucks. I have a combat ress, limb and DnD slow.
For example - Barskin on guardian is a spell with 30sec cd that reduces 30% dmg taken (if u put talent in it), my iceborn fortitude has 3 min cd with reduce 30% dmg taken. Same thing but 2 minutes 30 seconds more cd, why?
I have 4set - 436 ilvl - doing key 19-20, im really strugling in Meleee dungeons - freehold for example. I cant pull what paladins pull and i get oneshoted sooo fast, dmg sucks, utility sucks, survability sucks.
Not glad to see that you are struggling, but at least I am not alone. I have been slaughtered in Freehold as well. Seems like everyone is enjoying Freehold keys, but not BDKs.
Freehold is a royal pain, seems like so much cuts through us even with DRW up. Usually it’s after 2nd boss where things start going badly.
Though I personally find VP the last 2 packs can be insta gib for no apparent reason. The first of the last 2 packs before last boss, I have twice been one shotted on the pull on fortified +17. By 400k melee swings that seem to be not being parried or anything. Everything before that was manageable and the bosses are simple, last boss tickles and we can ignore most of its mechanics.
Anyone got viable and reliable tips on those two last packs? Our cc is used on one of the adepts. Other than pull, drop D&D, BB kite, kite and hope they mobs don’t all hit you at the same time and you had enough aggro to keep them off dps. Last pack I just blast and run around, chaining Cd’s and praying dps kill stuff fast enough. While keeping them close to the shield for peeps to clear the air ministers debuff.
i dont mind this issue if we do insane dmg for taking risk of getting one shot in high keys
but atm we are trolling by playing bdk while we litterly bring nothing into the table just compare our utility with any other tank we have nothing to bring to the group while we lack so much dmg compare to others aswell its just a joke but hey
People in dk comunity like taezak and such are so happy i guess they hated DK s3 and s4 and start crying about the tierset we had at the start of DF in our talent tree we had that tierset which helped our dmg and surviveability alot in our talent tree but after people like taezak crying 24/7 in dk discord community and telling everyone that tierset sucks blizzard decided to change the whole talent tree around bloodshield instead of the Drw now again we have problem with physical dmg dungeons like Freehold and also insane issue with agro without that tierset dk where always lacking huge dps and defencive for high keys.
i just start argue about this and they removed me from the comunity now go ask that smart boy why did you and your gang asked for this and they probably saying its not our fault blizzard tuning is just bad lol.
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