BDK Damage

It’s getting beyond a joke now.

Even when we use pure damage trinkets (gimping our survivability), our damage is ~20% behind Prot Palas, Warriors, even Guardians and VDHs.

Our AOE is laughable in comparison, which makes us wholly undesirable for higher M+ dungeons. All we have is control, which is very very nice, but without the damage to back it up the chances of getting picked over another tank class are neglible at best.

Blizz seriously need to fix such a basic issue that stems back even into Shadowlands.

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but hey we have deathgrip
so we dont need utility or any kind of group buff or any kind of dmg or anything else

Hey, at least BDK is still the most fun tank to play even if damage is a bit too far behind atm.

Love my little selfsustain machine :dracthyr_heart:

But hey, we got an entire 8% damage buff just like Prot Warriors!

kek double U

8% is like 5% overall since it doesnt effect our trinket and finger dmg wich alot of our dmg coming from its just a meme we are 30% behind

At this point i think Blizz really have no idea what to do with us as a class overall. They keep with the flat damage increases, which are pitiful in their own right, but there is not even a hint of a rework coming.

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